Looking Forward to 2008

We must not allow fear, unbelief or doubt to stop us.
Last year the body of Christ completed the sixth year of a seven-year spiritual war season. Recently, I heard the Lord say, “The confrontation of the enemy is at hand. You must be filled with praise to enter into the conflicts ahead. … When your conflicts arise, praise Me and I will assure you of victory in the wars ahead.”

But next year we are entering a season of kingdom rule. The King is moving us from “just going to church” to understanding His kingdom in our territory. He is bringing us into a place of dominion, occupation and ruling with Him.

2008 is the year of a clean start. You will begin something new. Even if you have refused to shift into a visible new dimension, the Lord will meet you where you are and cause you to start anew if you yield to Him.

You can catch up quickly and gain momentum even if you have resisted change. If you do not yield, your new place will simply be your old cycle with the old structures reinforced seven times.

The number “8” is always linked with new beginnings, and we are entering into the year 2008 (which overlaps the Hebraic year 5768). It’s a year in which we must choose to be hot—filled with passion—so we can conceive our future. Expect the year ahead to be:

  • A year of manifestation. There will be a physical manifestation of what you have been watching and waiting to see.
  • A time of supernatural interactions that will cause you to transcend your faith limitations.
  • A year in which “dominion” will be a key word. God’s people will have great authority over their enemies. The nations against you can be driven out of your land. Land is equated to the state of our minds. Therefore, this is the year to transform your mind so you have a new victory mentality.
  • A year to subdue your “animal impulses.” Find your place of deliverance and stand firm against temptation so you can travel the “highway of holiness” (see Is. 35:8-10, NKJV).
  • A year not to despise “small beginnings.” Little by little secure your inheritance.
  • A year to stay in the secret place so you can be sent forth on key missions.

    The year ahead will be a year not only for you to begin a fresh season in your life but also for the body of Christ to gain momentum.

    An object with momentum is difficult to stop. The more momentum an object has, the greater the force that is required or the longer the amount of time (or both) to bring it to a halt.

    When a force acts upon the object for a given amount of time, the object’s velocity changes. If the force acts in a direction opposite to the object’s motion, it slows the object down. If a force acts in the same direction as the object’s motion, the force speeds the object up.

    The coming year will be one in which spiritual forces vie for momentum. God will be moving on us to speed up! Will we respond to Him?

    The enemy forces that we have not resisted will be moving with momentum to slow down the kingdom of God that is advancing in the earth. We must bind the strongman’s operation and gain access to the spoils.

    We must start moving as the people of God did when they left Egypt and keep moving until we reach the manifested promise for this generation. We must not allow fear, unbelief or doubt to stop us from advancing. Enter this season with expectation—and expect acceleration and victory!

    Chuck D. Pierce is the president of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Denton, Texas. He is known for his accurate prophetic gift and is the co-author of numerous books, including, with Dutch Sheets, Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation (Destiny Image).

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