Author name: Paul Steven Ghiringhelli

Redefine Yourself by Going Back to School

Redefine Yourself by Going Back to School

Redefine Yourself by Going Back to SchoolMany people are hitting the books to discover a new career. Here’s how you can join them.

If the admonition to accept “change” at work sounds agonizingly cliché to you, you’ve discerned something of a given these days. Change, as most people in today’s workforce know, has become a pseudo core value of every CEO from New York to Beijing who is fighting to keep their company afloat in this global economic downturn.

To keep from sinking beneath the competition, leaders must quickly adapt. As the waters get rough, employees are expected to swim too.


Fred Price Names Son Pastor

After 35 years of leading a faith movement, Fred Price will step aside March 15 to install his son, Fred Price Jr., as senior pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) in Los Angeles.  

altFeb. 27, 2009 – Fred Price, founder of one of the nation’s first black megachurches and an icon of the faith movement, will step aside on March 15 to install his son, Fred Price Jr., as senior pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) in Los Angeles.

“The formal succession of my son will take place on his 30th birthday, the same day Jesus began his ministry,” said the elder Price, who still plans to teach periodically. “This wasn’t planned, it just happened that way. I believe that it’s a sign from God that after six years of training as an assistant pastor, Freddie is ready to sit in the driver’s seat and I will be there to help him along his way.”


Pentecostalism Still Burns

An annual report released this week about church growth highlights two Pentecostal denominations as the only faith groups of traditional Christian orthodoxy that increased church membership.

altFeb. 26, 2009 — While membership in the nation’s largest Christian communions declined last year, two Pentecostal denominations showed an increase.

The Assemblies of God (AG) of Springfield, Mo., and the Cleveland, Tenn.-based Church of God were the only two denominations of traditional Christian orthodoxy among the 25 largest churches in the U.S. to report membership increases, according to the 2009 edition of the Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches, an annual chronicle of religious institutions edited by the National Council of Churches (NCC) and published by Abingdon.

The AG listed nearly 2.9 million members while the Church of God reported 1 million.


Teens Fast to Relieve World Hunger

As tens of thousands of teens prepare to fundraise through fasting this weekend, the results of a new study reveal most teens are charity-minded, and that the current U.S. recession is only helping to boost their awareness.

altFeb. 26, 2009 — Countering perceptions that today’s youth are selfish and lazy, hundreds of thousands of teens from 7,000 youth groups will fast, pray, fundraise and serve neighbors in need this weekend to raise awareness about world hunger.

The 30-Hour Famine, an initiative of World Vision, comes days after the results of a new study show that more teens volunteer for charitable causes than their parents do. “The stereotype that teens are selfish and lazy is not an uncommon perception, but I’d say it’s probably not true,” said Pat Rhoads, national director of the 30-Hour Famine.

Walter Hoye

Pro-life Pastor Defiant

A pastor, who faces prison time for offering sidewalk counseling at an abortion clinic in Oakland, Calif., showed up on the same sidewalk yesterday, praying that women would change their minds.

altFeb. 25, 2009 — A pro-life pastor facing prison time for offering sidewalk counseling at an abortion clinic in Oakland, Calif., returned to the same sidewalk on Tuesday, praying with a handful of others for God to change the hearts and minds of women seeking abortions.

“I am fully aware that this may be my last opportunity to do all I can to save my people,” said Walter B. Hoye, a minister from Berkley, Calif., who founded the Issues4Life Foundation.

Hoye was given 30 days in jail, a $1,130 fine and 3 years probation at his sentencing last Thursday, which included a “stay away order” from the abortion clinic he was convicted in January of unlawfully approaching.


Obama: ‘We Will Rebuild’

In a speech to Congress last night, President Obama tried to instill confidence in the American public and also explain why Washington has had to bail out banks and investment companies.

altFeb. 25, 2009 — Last night, in his first appearance before a joint session of Congress, President Obama delivered an optimistic speech, repeatedly telling the nation that though the economic climate may be dark, clearer days lie ahead.

“While our economy may be weakened and our confidence shaken, though we are living through difficult and uncertain times, tonight I want every American to know this: we will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before,” Obama said.


Holy Spirit’s Reach Studied

A Los Angeles-based university was awarded a $6.9 million grant this week to establish a Pentecostal and charismatic research center in the birthplace city of American Pentecostalism.

altFeb. 24, 2009 – This week the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles received a $6.9 million grant to study Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity — one of the world’s fastest growing religious movements.

Awarded by the John Templeton Foundation, a natural and social sciences philanthropy, the grant is the largest amount ever given towards Pentecostal-charismatic research and will be used to establish the Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative (PCRI) at USC.

“The growth of global Pentecostalism is one of the most remarkable religious transformations of the last century,” said Kimon Sargeant, vice president of human sciences at the John Templeton Foundation.

Teen Prostitutes Rescued

The FBI announced today that, along with local and state law enforcement, they’ve recovered nearly 50 children who were being prostituted domestically.

Feb. 23, 2009 — In a three-day sting operation involving 29 cities and all levels of law enforcement, the FBI reported today the recovery of 48 children nationwide who were trapped in the sex trade, some as young as 13.

“We continue to pursue those who exploit our nation’s children,” said FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III. “We may not be able to return their innocence but we can remove them from this cycle of abuse and violence.”

Nearly 600 people were arrested on state and federal charges for the domestic trafficking of children for prostitution and solicitation during Operation Cross Country, an action of the Innocence Lost National Initiative, which the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division formed in 2003 in partnership with the Child Exploitation-Obscenity Section of the Justice Department and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

A Bitterless Breakup

As the nation’s largest Presbyterian denomination considers allowing non-celibate gay clergy, three conservative churches in Indiana amiably announced their departure.

Feb. 23, 2009 — Three Indiana churches belonging to the Presbyterian Church (USA) will break away from the national church on April 15.

The leadership from Covenant Presbyterian Church of West Lafayette, First Presbyterian Church of Frankfort and First Presbyterian Church of Nappanee requested the split based on theological differences regarding scriptural interpretation.

Engle: ‘I’m Burning Inside’

Fasting and prayer icon Lou Engle is urging Christians to pray with him in a Los Angeles auditorium from Sunday night through Wednesday.

 Feb. 20, 2009 — Lou Engle, founder of TheCall, is imploring Christians to pray beginning this Sunday night for “reformation” to come to California’s government.

Engle, a strong supporter of Proposition 8, a measure on the California ballot passed by voters last November outlawing same-sex marriage, issued his urgent call for fasting and prayer partly as a response to the legal fight gay-rights activists are waging in California courts to overthrow the gay-marriage ban.

“I’m just burning inside for California,” Engle said in a video on TheCall Web site. “In a very crisis and critical moment of time, even with the Proposition 8 issue being raged over again, we are taking our stand and saying ‘no’ to the powers of darkness and ‘yes’ to the brilliant light of God.”

Israel Publication Kind to Messianics

In a recent analysis of Messianic Jews, a Jerusalem Post columnist said he found that Israelis, by and large, do not have negative feelings toward believers in Jesus.

Feb. 20, 2009 — Christian leaders were pleased this week to learn of a feature-length story that recently appeared in a Jerusalem Post publication giving fair treatment to Israel’s Messianic community. The minority religious group had been increasingly harassed last year by Orthodox Jewish groups, according to the U.S. State Department.

“With the upturn in persecution of all believers [in Israel] by the traditional religious circles, I was not expecting this secular Israeli columnist to write such a wonderfully fair article about the believers in Israel,” Israel Prayer founder Donna Diorio wrote in a newsletter to supporters after reading “Jesus for Jews,” a cover story written by secular columnist Larry Derfner in the magazine section of the Jerusalem Post.

Walter Hoye

Pastor’s Jail Term in Limbo

Thursday’s sentencing of a pro-life pastor facing prison time for offering sidewalk counseling at a California abortion clinic has been pushed back to March 20.

Walter HoyeFeb. 20, 2009 — The case of a pro-life pastor facing prison time for offering sidewalk counseling at an Oakland, Calif., abortion clinic will be “in limbo” until March 20, according to his legal firm.

At his sentencing yesterday, Pastor Walter B. Hoye of Berkley, Calif., was given 30 days in jail, a $1,130 fine and 3 years probation that included a “stay away order” from the clinic at which the pastor was convicted last month of “unlawful approach,” under an Oakland city ordinance that bars picketers from coming within eight feet of women entering an abortion clinic.

Because Hoye refused to agree to the stay away order, a legality forced his sentencing to be re-scheduled for March 20.

Young Man at TheCRY

Canadians Cry Out

Hundreds of Christians in Canada are expected to gather in St. Johns, Newfoundland, this Saturday to fast and pray for a nation they say original settlers claimed for God.

Young Man at TheCRYFeb. 19, 2009 — Hundreds, possibly thousands of Christians are gathering Saturday on the remote island province of Newfoundland in northeastern Canada to fast and pray for God to impact their nation “for righteousness’ sake.”

Organizers of TheCRY St. John’s, the final of five prayer rallies begun in 2008 and held in Edmonton, Ottawa, Iqaluit and Toronto, are urging Christians burdened to pray for their nation to come to Newfoundland. “Our desire is that people would not come because we have marketed big names or Christian celebrities, though we are not necessarily opposed to that in other settings,” TheCRY leaders said in a statement. “We want people to come to meet with one big name, Jesus Christ, and to cry out for this awesome nation that He loves and is asking for.”  

One Apple, Many Oranges

Singled Out?

A California professor embarrassed a Christian student, calling him a “fascist b — rd” for giving a class speech about traditional marriage, according to attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) Center for Academic Freedom.

One Apple, Many OrangesFeb. 18, 2009 — A lawsuit filed last week against officials of the Los Angeles Community College District claims a professor censored and threatened to expel a student at Los Angeles City College following the student’s speech about marriage and his Christian faith during a public speaking class assignment.

“Christian students shouldn’t be penalized or discriminated against for speaking about their beliefs,” said Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) senior counsel David French. “Public institutions of higher learning cannot selectively censor Christian speech.  This student was speaking well within the confines of his professor’s assignment when he was censored and ultimately threatened with expulsion.”

Walter Hoye

Pro-life Pastor Faces Jail

Pro-life pastor Walter B. Hoye faces up to two years in prison and $4,000 in fines at sentencing today for offering sidewalk counseling outside a California abortion clinic.

Walter HoyeFeb. 19, 2009 — A pro-life leader faces up to two years in prison and as much as $4,000 in fines for offering sidewalk counseling at an Oakland, Calif., abortion clinic.

Pastor Walter B. Hoye, founder of the Issues4Life Foundation, is to be sentenced today after being found guilty on Jan. 15 of “unlawful approach” under an Oakland city ordinance that bars picketers from coming within eight feet of women entering an abortion clinic.

Calling Hoye’s conviction a violation of free speech rights, black pro-life leaders traveled from across the country to attend Hoye’s sentencing. “Walter, being a pastor, the prophetic voice of God, is bringing attention to this issue,” said Stephen Broden, an African-American pastor from Dallas who arrived in Oakland earlier this week. “We who are in the black pro-life movement recognize that if they silence Walter then the potentiality for us being silenced [also exists].”

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