Author name: Stephen Mansfield

Women On the Front Lines

Spiritual practices among soldiers in combat require an unconventional approach. But Christian military women find unique ways to make their faith known.

Cpl. Jodi Rund is blonde, fresh-faced and not hard to imagine as a campus head-turner. In fact, not too many months ago that is exactly what she was. Back then she was studying sociology at the University of Illinois. It seems a lifetime ago, in the sunny days before her National Guard unit was called up.

Now she finds herself stationed at Camp Seitz in Iraq with the 1544th Transportation Company. Her job is to protect convoys that traverse some of the most dangerous roads in the world; and she does it well. One of the men in her company described her as “Osama bin Laden’s worst nightmare: a pretty woman who prays to Jesus and fights as well as any man.”

Men of the Year

Bono and Bush, Jakes and Jennings. The Men of the Year for 2005 have dug wells of inspiration from which others who aspire to the exceptional might drink.

There is little more beautiful to behold in the world than a man in the grasp of an idea. Women, of course, are also thrilling when they passionately give themselves to belief, but since men are the more easily distracted and the more commonly willing to settle for less than they might be, it is a man possessed of an idea who most often holds the fascination of the world.

Our 2005 Men of the Year are just such men. Except for one of them, they are not particularly exceptional apart from the ideas they serve. Yet, because they have chosen to preserve the heritage of a people or to loose the grip of poverty upon nations or to lead a tradition-bound church into cultural relevance, among other causes, they are living exceptional lives. They are also digging wells of inspiration from which others who aspire to the exceptional might drink.

Why The President Needs Your Prayers


Not long after the multiple tragedies of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush was asked what he would like Americans to be praying. His reply was revealing. He said, “That there’s a shield of protection, so that if the vile ones try to hit us again, that we’ve done everything we can, physically, and that there is a spiritual shield that protects the country.”

Clearly, Bush is a man who understands the power of intercessory prayer. He recognizes that there is a realm beyond the seen, a spiritual realm, that influences human events. He knows that prayer has power in this realm and that a praying people erect a “spiritual shield” that can withstand attacks of every kind.

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