Author name: Scott Hinkle

Evangelism 101

I’m convinced that God’s will for you is to talk with other people about Christ.

While witnessing to a guy on the streets of Denver once I explained how he could give his life to Jesus Christ. His response was, “That’s too easy.” I replied, “Do you want me to make it difficult?”

Now, when I say “easy” I am not talking about what some call “easy believe-ism”–meaning if you simply mumble a quick phrase you will be pronounced “saved.” No way!

On the other hand, though, it is quite clear that we Christians in the 21st century have made the sharing of the simple gospel way too complicated. All you have to do is read some evangelism-training materials to know that.

The Overlooked Commandment

Imagine this not too far-fetched scenario: Mom and Dad are going out together
for a few hours, and before they leave they make a simple request of their young
son: “Johnny, we will be back in a few hours. Before we get back, could you
please straighten up your bedroom?”

Mom and Dad enjoy their evening out together, but they’re shocked by what
they see when they return home.

The lawn is freshly mowed. The living room has been vacuumed. All the dinner
dishes have been washed.

Why Does the Church Settle for Partial Revival?

Pursue God for more than personal satisfaction, need or individual purpose. There was a time when the United States was known for having the very best of everything. Remember when U.S.-made products and automobiles were the very best, the U.S. economy was the strongest, and the American work ethic was a benchmark standard? It seems …

Why Does the Church Settle for Partial Revival? Read More »

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