Author name: Robert Ricciardelli

You Cannot Turn Off the Light

Dualism remains a problem for many Christ followers. They
compartmentalize their lives and miss the presence and light of God in
every moment, breath, and context of life. Here are some scriptural
truths on the matter:

  • Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”
  • Proverbs 4:18: “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day” (NIV).
  • John 8:12: “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he
    said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk
    in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

Ministry by definition is the spiritual work or service of any Christian or a group of Christians. One of the greatest revelations we can ever embrace is that whatever we do in life, is ministry, because the light of God in us and through us never goes dim. Every job, every assignment, our family, our leisure and whatever pathway that the Holy Spirit may lead us, is ministry.

The Freedom Life Journey

is increasingly bringing His government upon the earth to quicken
mankind towards His image and intentions. It is time to assess and
discuss the complex aspect of human behavior from a kingdom perspective.
I pray we ask the Lord often to reveal to us what needs to be known—that which may be hidden—and help us to receive it and implement it in
our lives for His glory. He desires us to be free, and empowers us to
act against the very nature of self.

The gospel of the kingdom is the redemptive manner in which God intends for
His will to be accomplished in the earth. This, in itself, should alert
us to the misappropriation of prevailing messages of the “preparing us
for heaven” gospel. Yes, thankfully heaven is in the mix, but the place
called heaven is for later while the work of spreading heaven on earth
is present and ongoing.

This kingdom is more than the redemptive act accomplished in the Person of
Christ, resulting in our going to heaven. We are thankful for
redemption, but we cannot remain stuck there, waiting on Him or heaven,
while all the while, He is waiting on us. He has empowered us with His
Spirit and therefore the power of heaven is within us. No more hanging
on for Jesus to return when He is hanging out with us to occupy until He


2012: 25 Kingdom Initiatives

Robert-RicciardelliAs we move along into the new year, I wanted to share 25 key
initiatives that I feel are significant for every believer. I am hopeful
that these will confirm some things the Lord has already been showing
you as well as encourage you to pray into these initiatives for your own
lives, and for the body of Christ.

I pray that each of us would ask the
Father to reveal to us our part in the body and that we would seek Him
for guidance for His will to be done through us. May the Lord kingdomize
your life in amazing ways in 2012 to further expand His kingdom and His
glory upon the earth.

1. Give to Caesar (government) what is Caesar’s, and give to God what
is His, which are our very lives. Jesus was consumed with His Father’s
Kingdom being brought to the earth. We must focus on Christ and His kingdom rather than being overly concerned with political processes and
government foolishness. We pray for governmental change, but we must
look to God and not government to provide for us.

2. God is raising up new leaders who will stand for righteousness in
the realms of government. This generation of Daniels and Josephs will
continue to take their place in leading nations with Father’s influence,
presence and wisdom in governmental offices.


25 Kingdom Initiatives for 2012

{jcomments on}Robert-RicciardelliAs we move along into the New Year, I wanted to share 25 key
initiatives that I feel are significant for every believer. I am hopeful
that these will confirm some things the Lord has already been showing
you as well as encourage you to pray into these initiatives for your own
lives, and for the body of Christ. I pray that each of us would ask the
Father to reveal to us our part in the body and that we would seek Him
for guidance for His will to be done through us. May the Lord kingdomize
your life in amazing ways in 2012 to further expand His kingdom and His
glory upon the earth.

1. Give to Caesar (government) what is Caesar’s, and give to God what
is His, which are our very lives. Jesus was consumed with His Father’s
Kingdom being brought to the earth. We must focus on Christ and His kingdom rather than being overly concerned with political processes and
government foolishness. We pray for governmental change, but we must
look to God and not government to provide for us.

2. God is raising up new leaders who will stand for righteousness in
the realms of government. This generation of Daniels and Josephs will
continue to take their place in leading nations with Father’s influence,
presence and wisdom in governmental offices.


I Have a Dream

ricciardelli_robert_webThe last few days I have been waking up thinking about
Martin Luther King Jr. I kept hearing his “I Have a Dream” speech as
I awoke each of the last few mornings. He is one of my heroes of the faith; a
difference-maker, and a catalyst for good and for the generations. I asked the
Lord if there was some further meaning to my thoughts about him. He said, “I gave him a
dream, and I have given you a dream.”

I decided to write out my dream in honor of one of my hero’s
dreams. Thank you, Lord, for Dr. King, who stood for You, stood for freedom
and gave his life for the cause of that freedom.
I write this in honor of him and the legacy he left for
us all:

Robert Ricciardelli

The Nation Called by God’s Name

Robert RicciardelliEditor’s Note: In the message that follows, Robert Ricciardelli gives a prophetic explanation for the shaking that currently is occurring worldwide and clarifies what God is doing in the church during this period of widespread uncertainty. He notes that we are in a “swift season of change” and describes what our personal response should be to this season. Robert is a prophetic minister, an entrepreneur and the founder of Converging Zone Network, a social-networking site developed to spread the kingdom of God on a global level through the exchange of products, services, training and ideas.

Can a nation be born in a day? You are that nation, you are that people, you are My people. Beyond America and nationalism, and in all nations, is a people called by My name. The shaking felt around the world is My doing.

Many of you have asked: “Lord, where are You in all this? Have we not prayed? Where are You in my challenges? Where are You in my problems?”

I say, “I am in them, around them and have caused many of them.”


There’s a Shaking Going On

altTo believers who are the least bit observant, it is clear that there’s a shaking going on within the world’s systems, the church’s systems and individual believers. The shaking we are experiencing today is a move of God, who wants to live and move and have His being through His people. He wants to change the world through us!

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