Author name: Pat Chen

Moments of Holy Visitation

As we journey to a place of deeper intimacy with God, we will have times of special visitation by the Holy Spirit. These times of precious fellowship are a foretaste of glory—a glimpse of the heavenly ecstasy that awaits us beyond the veil of this life. They are direct encounters with the love of God.

Holy visitations are not experiences we can make happen. Most of the time they come as a surprise. But there are several things we can do to prepare our hearts and lay the groundwork for God’s coming.

God’s Greatest Weapon

Did you know that love is the best way to defeat Satan’s power?

During the many years I have been involved in prayer and intercession, I have seen all kinds of approaches to bringing down the strongholds of the enemy. Just mention the phrase “spiritual warfare” in a group of seasoned intercessors, and you’ll be amazed at all the different “techniques” espoused and “weapons” employed.

Although I too utilize various approaches, I have come to believe that the greatest weapon of spiritual warfare is simply love—God’s love. This love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit and sustains us at every juncture of life and in every opposition and trial. If we abide in God’s love, it consumes us, restores us, refreshes us, satisfies us and gives us power over the enemy.

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