Author name: John Hagee

5 Biblical Reasons Christians Should Support Israel

America is at a crossroads! Will we believe and obey the Word of God concerning Israel, or will we continue to equivocate and sympathize with Israel’s enemies? The cornerstone of this Middle East policy, the alleged Roadmap for Peace, is to divide the land of Israel to create a terrorist-ruled Islamic Palestinian state, whose stated …

5 Biblical Reasons Christians Should Support Israel Read More »

John Hagee

John Hagee: ‘Christianity Would Not Exist if It Weren’t for the Jewish People’

Note: This article originally ran on in 2013. Christianity would not exist if it weren’t for the Jewish people. I know this concept flies in the face of the anti-Semitic poison that has filled the mouths of church leaders for centuries. But it’s true: Christian values we now hold dear are rooted in theology …

John Hagee: ‘Christianity Would Not Exist if It Weren’t for the Jewish People’ Read More »


Where Did Christianity Come From?

Christianity would not exist if it weren’t for the Jewish people. I know this concept flies in the face of the anti-Semitic poison that has filled the mouths of church leaders for centuries. But it’s true: Christian values we now hold dear are rooted in theology practiced by the Israelites for thousands of years before Christianity was ever in the picture. Their contributions are the bedrock of our very faith.

It’s essential for anti-Semites to separate Jesus from His Jewish roots. If you do that, then hatred becomes fashionable and anti-Semitism becomes a Christian virtue. If Jesus can be separated from His Jewish roots, then Christians can continue to praise the dead Jews of the past such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, while snubbing the Goldbergs across the street.

What You Need to Know About Islam and the Bible

There comes a time in a nation’s historyand there comes a time in the churchwhen spiritual fog and religious deception must be removed by a clear, unbiased, passionate pursuit of truth. America and the church are now in a spiritual fog over the issue of Islam.

But Islam and Christianity are not “sister faiths,” and a side-by-side examination of the texts of the Bible and the Quran will quickly identify some of the differences related to Islam’s teachings about Christ and the truths of our own Bible about the Son of God.

Islam instructs its followers to kill their enemies, but Christianity in-structs its followers to love their enemies.

The Quran says to “fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them” (Surah 9:5). But our Holy Bible tells Christ’s followers to: “Love your ene-mies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matt. 5:44, KJV).

God Has Chosen Jerusalem

There is no city on the face of the earth like Jerusalem. Jerusalemthe very word excites and stirs deep emotions, memories of the past, and hopes for the future.

The temple. The chanting of pilgrims. The palaces and towers. Wars and conquests. Religious longings of Jews, Muslims and Christians. Jews praying at the Western Wall for peace in the Holy City. Jerusalem is where heaven and earth meet.

There are cities famous for their size, their industrial and manufacturing capacities, their sports teams, or their unique locations. But Jerusalem is like no city on the face of the earth.

From its earliest times, the history of Jerusalem is the history of war and peace, of greatness and misery, of splendor and squalor, of Solomon’s wisdom, and of blood flowing in the gutter like rainwater in spring.


Has God Rejected Israel?

The concept of replacement theology is popular in America’s churches. Replacement theology means that Israel failed, and God has replaced Israel with the church. This is simply not true. Romans 11:1 says: “I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.”

Twice in Romans 11 Paul says that Israel has not fallen and is still the apple of God’s eye. In the New Testament, the word Israel is used 77 times. Clearly, in 71 of those references it speaks of the nation of Israel, which is 96 percent of the time. It does not refer to the church.

Has God cast away Israel? Absolutely not! The fact is, when something is “cast away,” you never hear of it again. Yet in the book of Revelation, 12 tribes of Israel, and 12,000 out of each of the 12 tribes, are sealed to present the gospel during the Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:4).


The Lord Has Chosen Zion

Hundreds of years ago, God the Father gave to Abraham—and his descendants—the land of Israel. He established an eternal and everlasting covenant with Abraham, promising that his seed, through Isaac and Jacob, would possess the land forever. Out of all the nations of the earth, He chose Zion to be His special people.

Yet Christians often wonder what their responsibility ought to be regarding Israel and the Jewish people. Some are indifferent toward or ignorant of the believer’s role in the nation’s history; others are opposed to lending their support because they don’t understand what such a commitment means.

Support of the nation of Israel does not mean a person endorses every political action of the government. Support of Israel means the support of biblical Zionism, and those who know the Bible know that it is not an option for the committed Christian.

Will God Judge America?

In the Old Testament book of Joel 3:2, the Word says: “I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, they have also divided up My land.”

God makes it clear that He will bring into judgment any nation, America included, that forces the division of the land of Israel. That also includes the division of Jerusalem.

Recently, the Washington Post published an editorial titled “Israel’s New Government.” It emphasized what the Israeli’s must concede to continue to have support from the U.S.

What was lacking in the article was what Israel’s neighbors must do before they have acceptance by Israel and the U.S. for a two-state solution. Pressure should not be put on Israel alone, as the editorial attempted to do.


The Rebirth of Israel

For 1,800 years, the church fathers ranted that the church is the new Israel. To prove that God had turned His back on the Jews, they pointed to the wandering, tormented Jews of the Diaspora, saying, “If God is with them, why has this homeless befallen them?”

They forget that for the most part European Jews were living in states controlled by the Church of Rome. They existed without rights, without property, without legal redress, and without human dignity. The medieval church created its own self-fulfilling prophecy. Replacement theologians ignore a fundamental fact in the biblical text. When God removes or destroys something, you never hear from it again. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, which were so thoroughly destroyed, archaeologists can’t even find the ashes of those cities. The cities are twice dead, plucked by the roots and cast over the wall to be turned and forever forgotten.


Fighting for the Soul of America

Last weekend America celebrated Memorial Day as a time to honor all military personnel who have given the last full measure of devotion for the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, America is at war! We are at war with a radical religious element of Islam that feels they have a mandate from their god (Allah) to kill Christians and Jews.

I feel America is in the greatest danger as a nation that we have known since 1776. The elements that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor are all alive and well in Washington, D.C. and the nation.


America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama met for one hour on Monday to discuss mutual concerns for their respective nations.

Their private meeting went 30 minutes longer than planned. Then, top advisors joined both men for another hour of talks. Finally, reporters were invited in for a half hour question and answer session. Their time together ended with the prime minister, the president and their staffs having lunch in the “old family dining room.”

I know that both nations will do their best to put their best “spin” on this historic meeting calling it productive. However, the spokesman on ABC television made a stark and truthful comment when he said, “This is the parting of the ways of this administration and the Israeli government.”

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