Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Evangelists Charles and Frances Hunter recently visited our office. After ministering at our noon prayer meeting, they offered to pray for anyone who needed healing.

Frequently when the person requesting prayer listed his ills–no matter how serious they were–Frances delightedly exclaimed, “Oh, that’s easy!” and then prayed a simple prayer in faith. She knew that no ailment, from fibromyalgia to heart disease, was too hard for God.

Later I found myself repeating that phrase in my mind as I dealt with issues at the office. We have a conference facilities problem? Oh, that’s easy! A staffing issue in a critical department? That’s easy for God.

In our personal lives, as in business, storms sometimes come that can shake us, and they have the potential to either train or destroy us. Often in such situations we allow the witness of our senses to become more powerful than Jesus, who has all authority (see Matt. 28:18).

The early disciples made the same mistake. Once when they were crossing the Sea of Galilee, a storm arose. Jesus was in the boat with them, but He was asleep. They became terrified, certain they would die in the storm, and woke Jesus up (see Matt. 8:23-25).

Jesus spoke and calmed the storm. But He also reprimanded the disciples for their lack of faith (v. 26), implying that if they had recognized His true power, they wouldn’t have feared. After all, He was with them in the storm.

When you are in a storm, it is often easier to hear the sound of the wind and see the waves of your circumstance than to stay focused on Jesus and the promises recorded in His Word. But we are called to “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18, NIV).

The Bible tells us that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). When I’m facing a difficulty, I write out relevant passages of Scripture and put them in places where I will see them. Then I encourage myself by meditating on what God has promised.

Why not apply this method to your situation? Try speaking aloud the promises you’ve written down. There is power in your words, and your faith to believe God will increase.

You can’t deny what your senses tell you, but remember: The storm is temporary! What God has promised you is true, and it will be manifest as you stand in faith.

Charles and Frances Hunter know that Jesus really is all powerful and that every difficulty is under His name. When you hear reports that threaten to bring fear to your heart, respond with Scriptures that declare God’s point of view–and realize as the Hunters do that, whatever you are facing, to Him, “That’s easy!”

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