Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Some believers are excited that Farrakhan is talking about Jesus. I’ll get excited when he renounces Allah.

When I visited Baltimore recently I met a man who was a member of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. This man was a nice guy, but he also attended a prominent Christian church in the city. I don’t believe Christianity and the Nation of Islam go together, so I knew we had a problem.

The man wore a Nation of Islam ring, and he bragged about Louis Farrakhan, listened to his teachings and continued to praise Allah. Yet he also went to church on Sunday and praised Jesus. Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

The Nation of Islam makes its purpose clear. It promotes racism and is against American interests. Members advocate being a separate nation within the United States. I understand that they need to be evangelized, but it cannot be done with compromise.

In case you haven’t noticed, many people who represent other belief systems are infiltrating our churches today. Some believers are excited that Farrakhan is talking about Jesus more. That’s good, but I’ll get excited when he renounces Allah and his racist ideology. Meanwhile we must remain wary.

If Farrakhan believes that Allah is Lord, then he should serve him. If he does not, then he should make Jesus Lord. What we believe makes us who we are. This is why it is impossible to please God without total faith in Jesus.

The Nation of Islam is a religious sect. It endorses sections of the gospel but rejects other parts. Some sects take a portion of the Word of God and attempt to seat Christ next to idols. But God is a jealous God, and He demands that we take all of Him or none.

To be jealous means to be intolerant of rivalry. God will not compete with other gods. Plagues came upon the Philistines when they tried to put an idol of Dagon next to the ark of God. The same holds true today.

Second Corinthians 6:15 asks the questions: What does Christ have in common with Belial? What part has a believer with an infidel? Muslims often refer to Christians as infidels, but the Bible declares that they are!

The word “infidel” in the Greek is apistos, and it describes one who is not a believer in Christ as Lord. It also denotes one who cannot be trusted. This brings a question to my mind: How can thousands of Christians trust an unbeliever such as Louis
Farrakhan so much that they would support him by attending the Million Man March held in Washington, D.C., in 1995?

Please understand me. I am praying for Farrakhan’s salvation, but until he embraces faith in Christ he is still an unbeliever. Praying for him is one thing, but following him is another.

Romans 8:19 says that all creation waits for the manifestation of the true sons of God. Nature was surely confused on the day of the Million Man March. Christians were following an infidel!

Jesus said in Matthew 12:30: “He who is not with Me [definitely on My side] is against Me, and he who does not [definitely] gather with Me and for My side scatters” (The Amplified Bible).

On the day Louis Farrakhan gathered those men he scattered them spiritually. The Greek word for “scatter” is skorpizo, and it is related to the word “scorpion.” It means to put to flight or to waste.

When those men gathered in the nation’s capital, Farrakhan gave glory to Allah. He poisoned their minds with the powerful sting of a scorpion. And what a waste it was! Everyone left more bound than when they came because only Jesus makes us free.

The Nation of Islam is a spiritual stronghold, and we cannot win the souls trapped in it unless we bind the strongman. We cannot bind what we agree with.

To bind is to come up against. Farrakhan may have gathered more than 400,000 men for his huge event, but that number is nothing compared with the millions of deceived souls who are sucked into hell from his teachings.

If you have bought into Farrakhan’s teachings, now is the time to cross the line. Separate yourself from deception. There is only one name by which we are saved, and that name is Jesus.

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