Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

After nine years of what I thought was a solid Christian marriage, I was confronted with the first of my husband, Wayne’s, two adulterous affairs. Having been raised in a pastor’s home, I couldn’t comprehend why this was happening.

I had confided in a fellow church member—a friend I trusted. Unfortunately, the story of my husband’s unfaithfulness began to spread throughout the congregation. I wondered how I would be able to heal. Feeling as though my world and my marriage were in shreds, I turned my grief inward.

I did not know how I could ever trust my husband again. I forgave over time, but forgiveness doesn’t make us forget. However, as we forgive and begin to heal within ourselves, the pain lessens.

It took another 27 years of marriage before I could fully trust and fully forgive Wayne from my heart. This did not happen until I looked deep within and faced some things in myself that I did not want to see.

Eventually, the Holy Spirit started a fire in me, and I was changed and set free. Within two weeks, God began stirring my husband’s spiritual hunger.

The Lord had to do serious surgery on both of us, cutting away the old and bringing in the new. He restored our marriage and made it better than it was before.

Today, my husband and I are a team and in full-time Christian ministry with the abused and broken. We have also served as chaplains of our Christian motorcycle ministry.

Telling our story of deep love and forgiveness gives us joy. We celebrated 42 years of marriage in May, and we love each other very much.

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