Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

At 19 years old, I was unmarried and pregnant with my first son. My fiancé and I were not Christians at the time.

We were planning to get married and had begun taking marriage classes, which were required by the church we attended. By the time we finished the classes, I was six months pregnant.

On the morning of my wedding day, I awakened to labor pains. Instead of getting married that day, I gave birth to our first son.

Our wedding took place the following Saturday. It was a nightmarish ordeal, but God in His abundant mercy and grace brought us through.

Two years after our wedding, my husband and I became born-again believers. Soon after, God called us into ministry.

The Lord led us to sell our home and move our family to Europe. By now we had three children–Ryan, Travis and Ashton.

We attended Word of Life Bible School in Uppsala, Sweden. The school was founded by Ulf Ekman, who was our pastor and teacher.

After we completed our ministry training, our family returned home to Michigan, where we are currently planting a new church. God has been so good to us to pull us out of the world and place us in ministry.

He has such wonderful plans for His children. We want to tell others of His mercy and grace so that He can reveal His power to them and bless their lives as He has blessed ours.

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