Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

I grew up in a home where my mother, father, grandmother and grandfather all loved and trusted in Christ as their Savior. I came to know Jesus for myself at church camp.

At 19 I married a man who was 32. My husband was very critical. Once he told me that he never could love me and said he had asked me to marry him only because he didn’t think he would find anybody else.

My husband was full of pride and placed a lot of importance on making money and having a good reputation. Even though he wasn’t really interested in Jesus and the Bible, he went to church. He said he wanted to be good and do good.

But at home, he sometimes went into a rage. In those times, I was afraid of him. Then at a Lowell Lundstrom crusade, he became a Christian—at 50 years old! After that Jesus helped him grow in love. He wanted to tell everyone about Jesus.

Soon after, I asked the Lord to change me. I felt I had been selfish, and I didn’t want to be that way anymore. When I prayed, God flooded me with His love to overflowing. The experience lasted for hours. I was amazed that He could love me so much!

In the years that followed, my husband and I served as counselors at church camp. We went on a short-term missions trip to Haiti. And we participated on teams that went on lay and discipleship missions to various churches.

A few years before my husband died, he told me that he loved me very much. We were married for 49 years. We had four children, and today each one trusts Jesus as their Savior.

I am so grateful for God’s love. It has the power to change lives. My heart’s desire is to share that love with others.

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