Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

My pastor’s first job after Bible college was that of associate pastor in a small church. One of his assignments was to visit shut-ins and new church members.

Hoping to make a good impression and build rapport with those whom he visited, he applied some newly acquired word-association techniques to help in remembering his hosts’ names.

On one visit, he interspersed the couple’s last name throughout the prayer and ended with a blessing: “And Father, please bless Mr. And Mrs. Butts and the whole Butts family. Amen.”

When he opened his eyes after prayer, the gentleman commented: “The name, sir, is Bottoms!
–Ann McKay

Several years ago, when my daughter Tiffany was not quite 3, I needed to correct her for wrong behavior. I don’t recall what the offense was, but I’ll never forget her response.

Tiffany had recently accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was learning how to pray on her own. So this moment in her little life could shape her faith forever!

I placed her over my knee to spank her, and suddenly she cried out, “Jesus, save me from my spanking!”

Well, needless to say, He did. To this day, Tiffany is my most faithful prayer warrior.
–Cheryl Radloff

Two gentlemen dropped into a neighborhood movie theater. One man took a seat in the very last row alone. The other one found seats near the front for himself and his German shepherd.

From the back row the first man noticed that throughout the film, which was a comedy, the dog responded to all the jokes–barking and clapping his front paws together.

When the movie ended, the first man said to the dog owner: “I was amazed by how much your dog seemed to enjoy the movie.” The second man replied: “I was surprised myself; he hated the book!”
–Author unknown

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