Former Presidential Advisor Doug Wead Memorialized

Born into a prominent Assemblies of God family, Doug Wead rose from traveling evangelist to insider at the highest levels in Washington. His fundraiser in the Carter White House grew into Mercy Corps, a humanitarian aid agency that has distributed over $2 billion in food and medicine since 1979. Wead later won support among evangelicals while serving on President George H. W. Bush’s White House staff.

Wead was a historian and New York Times best-selling author of over two dozen books, including 2019’s Inside Trump’s White House: The Real Story of His Presidency. He was a political advisor to President George H. W. Bush and President George W. Bush, providing successful inroads to the charismatic and evangelical Christian communities for both presidents.

Wead is credited with coining the phrase “compassionate conservative,” a rallying point for young conservatives during Texas governor Bush’s presidential campaign. Wead was memorialized by friends and family as a man who loved Jesus and gave God his best.

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