Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


Our church has been buzzing about the June issue and how it highlighted what God continues to do here at Bethel (“The Radical Revivalists” by Marcus Yoars). We presented copies to everyone in the church the Sunday after the issue came out. It was moving to see how you guys honored our whole team with your accurate reporting. We’ve had other kinds of press—this was much better! Thanks so much for doing a great job.

Bill Johnson, Redding, Calif.



Bill Johnson’s article, “Supernatural by Nature” (June), was exciting and edifying. However, he seems to imply that true faith—and our only model—didn’t begin until Jesus arrived on earth as a human. If this is the implication, it’s forgetting that the first “measurement” began with God at creation. The beauty, imagery and prophetic nature of the Old Testament is a testimony that our Abba knew from the beginning what He wanted for us. Let’s not miss the fullness of that amazing relationship by excluding an important part of who we are in the Messiah. 

Terri L. Gillespie, Springfield, Pa.



Thank you for your article, “The Gospel According to ‘God’s Cartoonist’” (by Troy Anderson, June) about Jack T. Chick and his cartoon tracts. It’s wonderful to see his work so favorably acknowledged. He has been right on for decades, and the message of truth is never more needed than now. I was appalled that some Christian merchants keep his tracts “under the counter.” Are they afraid the truth might offend someone? It should! Someone needs to speak up about what the Word of God really says. Of course we must speak the truth and hand out tracts in a loving manner, but love does not want anyone to go to their eternal destiny apart from knowing the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

Judee Warner, Montague, Calif.


Jack Chick’s tracts have foisted repulsive anti-Catholicism upon a wide readership. To grant him generally positive publicity in Charisma without repudiating his hate-filled and unsubstantiated claims is to show profound disrespect to the Catholic Church and its members, and is unworthy of Charisma.

Andrew M. Seddon, via email

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