Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Better Than the Rapture

I agreed 100 percent with the article “Don’t Freak Out” (J. Lee Grady, May) about the rapture prediction. I heard Harold Camping over my shortwave radio … over a year ago. Grady said it well, “I don’t need to know what day Jesus is coming back—my prayer is that I can take as many people as possible to heaven with me when He splits the sky!” Amen! God bless you for telling it how it really is.

Mary A. Morrow, Mineola, Texas


Covered in Prayer

I love the cover and the story of your May prayer issue. I have been a part of three churches that exploded by simply dedicating time for the entire congregation to meet regularly in prayer.

Brian Boisselle, Via Facebook


Charisma ‘Saved My Life’

Many years ago I went through a personal tragedy that cost me tremendously. One day I picked up Charisma. Its lead article, “Why Do Christians Shoot Their Own Wounded?” (by David Kyle Foster, March 1998), saved my life. It brought a fresh perspective on many things, which eventually paved the way to my healing. I want to thank you for your ministry and all that you do to bless the body of Christ. People whom you never thought you would reach have been reached because your ministry brought me healing. Because I know what it’s like to be lost and broken, I can now reach out to others with a better understanding than ever before and be more effective in my ministry to them. Thank you. 

Daniel Rodriguez, El Paso, Texas


Marvin Sapp Sets an Example

As a long-time reader of Charisma, I was so moved by the “Praise Through The Pain” article (DeWayne Hamby, April) that carried us through pastor Marvin Sapp’s grief journey. His willingness to be transparent and openly share his tears will serve as a positive role model for healthy bereavement. Thank you for sharing this powerful story!

Ellen M. Walston, Greenville, N.C.


Binding … and Loosing

I love your magazine. It seems, however, that it falls apart easily at the middle. I like to save and preserve my copies. I hope you get better binding in the future. 

Teresa Omlor, Elizabethtown, Ky.

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