Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Looking into the spiritual realm, I see the wind of that great and final revival approaching. Its undercurrent is creeping across the country and gaining momentum. The warning signs of this quiet storm can be seen in the uprising of women answering the call to ministry as well as in the number of pastors and bishops now ordaining women and supporting them in a way they have never done before.

During one of my recent prayer times, the Holy Spirit prompted me to consider the birth of Jesus. God chose to allow Jesus–the Word–to come into the world through a woman. And He has been using men throughout the centuries not only to rule, but to plant seeds.

As a result, His daughters are giving birth to their assignments. In Scripture, we see the concept of seeding, timing and harvesting. For many years we’ve watched women receive spiritual seeds, and over time we’ve watched these seeds take root and develop into huge harvests. Now that it’s the right season, the soil is yielding crops ripe for picking.

The women we see coming to the forefront are not those who decided to grab a Bible and preach. They are women who have carried His seed for years.

I am reminded of something that happened to one of my spiritual daughters. One afternoon, her three sons were playing in the yard when one of them jumped in the car and put the gear in neutral. My friend’s 2-year-old was standing behind the car when it began to move. As the large Oldsmobile rolled backward, the small boy became pinned under the rear wheels.

My friend was coming out of the house and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She immediately started speaking in tongues. All she could think was, The devil is not going to steal my baby!

Running to the car, she could see her son’s eyes bulging and the veins in his face breaking. The power of God began to rise up in her. And even though she weighed only 110 pounds, she reached down, grabbed the back of the car and lifted it off her son, while a friend jumped in the front seat and drove the vehicle forward.

Women of God, I’m here to tell you: Hear the Word of the Lord! You are not as spiritually or naturally weak as you think you are. God is empowering us to save our seed.

Even as you read this, the devil is trying to kill somebody’s baby. He is trying to destroy destiny–but he can’t. Proverbs 19:21 tells us, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (NIV).

My friend could have run outside, allowed her flesh to take over and immediately become a victim. But the Holy Spirit took over to save destiny–and that’s why we can’t quit. It’s not about us; it’s about what we are about to give birth to.

On Feb. 4 I had a prophetic dream. I dreamed I was beaten by someone as I tried to protect my sister’s newborn baby. In my dream, the baby was doing things that normally only a 5- or 6-year-old child could do. I immediately recognized there was something special about this child.

So many people were trying to kill this child that my sister finally told me to just let them have it. “No!” I shouted. While I was shouting, a vicious group of people began tearing the screen door down trying to get into the house to take the baby out of my arms. I knew I was outnumbered.

All of a sudden, I lifted my right hand and began to praise God–and my hand turned into a gun. Minutes later, police officers came from everywhere. One officer asked me if the baby belonged to me. When I told him no, he said, “You mean to tell me you are fighting this hard for your sister’s baby?”

After I said yes, I woke up. All day long I could hear the Holy Spirit saying to me, “Fight for your sister’s baby!”

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a spiritual seed in you waiting to be birthed. I have committed to pray that the enemy will not thwart the plans of God and cause you to abort your destiny. It is when you begin to recognize the price you have to pay to give birth to your assignment that a divine strength will come upon you to bring it forth. And don’t be fearful. God will use the winds of revival to thrust you into your calling.

Juanita Bynum is the author of the popular book No More Sheets (Pneuma Life). She will host her Weapons of Power women’s conference Aug. 30 through Sept. 1 at the Pensacola (Fla.) Civic Center.

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