
Haiti Plunging into Chaos, State of Emergency Declared

Two mass prison breaks have sent the Caribbean nation of Haiti reeling even further into the cycle of violence plaguing the nation. The powerful gangs challenging the government for control of the country now reportedly control up to 80% of the nation’s capital, according to UN estimates. “We have chosen to take our destiny in …

Haiti Plunging into Chaos, State of Emergency Declared Read More »

Israeli Warning: ‘Temple Mount and Jerusalem’ in Crosshairs

Against the backdrop of its ongoing war, Israel is bracing itself for the upcoming Muslim Ramadan holiday, when tensions and terror attacks frequently flare. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is hoping for a ceasefire in the next week, despite the doubts that prevail in the region. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly surprised by President …

Israeli Warning: ‘Temple Mount and Jerusalem’ in Crosshairs Read More »

A Russian Space Nuke? House Intel Chair Sounds Alarm, Urges Biden to Do Something

The White House publicly confirmed on Thursday that Russia has obtained a “troubling” emerging anti-satellite weapon, but says it cannot directly cause “physical destruction” on Earth. White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said U.S. intelligence officials have information that Russia has obtained the capability but that such a weapon is not currently operational. …

A Russian Space Nuke? House Intel Chair Sounds Alarm, Urges Biden to Do Something Read More »

Will You Sign This Solidarity Support Statement for Jewish People?

“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3, NKJV). The above biblical passage represents both a blessing and warning. It introduces the starting point of God’s relationship with Abraham and the nation of Israel. …

Will You Sign This Solidarity Support Statement for Jewish People? Read More »

War with Iran? 3 Americans Killed in Strike, 170 Attacks on US Military Bases so Far

President Joe Biden pledged a response after the attack on a U.S. base in Jordan that killed three American servicemen and injured at least 30 others. The attack raises the possibility of a direct conflict between the U.S. and Iran. At an event Sunday in South Carolina, President Biden announced the U.S. would choose the …

War with Iran? 3 Americans Killed in Strike, 170 Attacks on US Military Bases so Far Read More »

Radical Iranian Regime Builds ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Israel as Threat of All-Out-War Rises

The threat of an all-out war in the Middle East is intensifying. Iranian-backed forces have launched a wave of attacks against American and Israeli targets in the region. The White House accuses Tehran of provoking the crisis and prompting an American military response. The Islamic mullahs in Tehran have dubbed it their “Axis of Resistance.” …

Radical Iranian Regime Builds ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Israel as Threat of All-Out-War Rises Read More »

Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

There are many areas of agreement between Jews and Christians. For example, both emphasize the foundational importance of loving God and loving one’s neighbor, as well as the importance of living by the ethical ideals of the Torah and the Prophets. Both emphasize a final Day of Judgment where we give account for our lives …

Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today Read More »

Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas

With the war against Hamas raging, scores of Israeli soldiers having been killed in combat along with many more injured, and still some 130 hostages who were kidnapped from Israel on Oct. 7 being held in captivity, it might be intuitive that this Christmas I would not be praying for anything other than the swift …

Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas Read More »

Prophetic Insight for 2024: War, Turmoil and Spiritual Preparedness

In a recent Charisma News interview with Bishop Alan DiDio, he shared his prophetic insights for the year 2024. Drawing from biblical passages and current events, he discussed several key themes that believers should be aware of as they prepare for the future. Bishop DiDio began by emphasizing the importance of being spiritually prepared for …

Prophetic Insight for 2024: War, Turmoil and Spiritual Preparedness Read More »

Turkish Lawmaker Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Criticizing Israel

In a dramatic turn of events, Turkish lawmaker Hasan Bitmez, 53, suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the floor of the Turkish National Assembly on Tuesday. The incident occurred moments after he delivered a harsh critique of his country’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. Bitmez, who serves as the deputy head of Turkey’s Felicity …

Turkish Lawmaker Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Criticizing Israel Read More »

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