Supreme Court

Supreme Court Denies Case of Christian Parents Whose Trans-Identifying Child Was Taken from Them

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to take up the case of two Indiana parents who asked the court to intervene after the state’s Department of Child Services took their trans-identifying child away from them due to their biblical beliefs about sex and gender. This week the high court denied a writ of certiorari in …

Supreme Court Denies Case of Christian Parents Whose Trans-Identifying Child Was Taken from Them Read More »

‘Most Important Free Speech Case in Our Lifetime’: Supreme Court Hears Biden Censorship Case

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday in what’s being described as one of the biggest free speech cases in a generation. The question at hand in Murthy v. Missouri was over whether the Biden administration went too far by pressuring social media sites to censor certain content. Conservatives argue the administration did indeed …

‘Most Important Free Speech Case in Our Lifetime’: Supreme Court Hears Biden Censorship Case Read More »

Will the Ten Commandments Return to State Buildings?

A campaign is underway to restore the Ten Commandments monument to its rightful place in the Alabama Judicial Building ,following its removal in 2003. With recent acknowledgments of the right to honor God in the public square, proponents are now urging the Alabama Supreme Court to rectify the removal and reinstate the commandments. Dean Johnson, …

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