
Could America Become a Christian Nation Once Again?

They were called Dissenting Protestants, Nonconformists and Radical Reformers, and they were the ones who provided the philosophical and theological principles on which America was founded. They emphasized religious liberty and freedom of conscience and insisted that governmental force should never be used in matters of faith. In this, they differed from the Catholics, Anglicans …

Could America Become a Christian Nation Once Again? Read More »

Are We Becoming a Nation of Fools and Mockers?

Bruce K. Waltke, the 93-year-old distinguished evangelical professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, holds doctorates in Greek and New Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary and ancient Near Eastern languages and literature from Harvard. Considered the foremost living authority on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, Waltke was a translator of the New American Standard …

Are We Becoming a Nation of Fools and Mockers? Read More »

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