
Eclipse ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Avoided by Mainstream Media

As the Great American Eclipse of 2024 on April 8 draws near, the mainstream media has been packed with stories that debunk various “conspiracy theories.” Of course in order to have a “conspiracy theory,” you have to have more than one individual that is alleged to be involved in some sort of a “conspiracy,” so …

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Hundreds of Young Adults Embrace Christ in Spontaneous Baptisms

One year after the stunning, 16-day, non-stop worship service at Asbury University, an outpouring of sorts still appears to be striking various schools and student bodies across America. Case-in-point: well-known ministry leaders Jennie Allen, Jonathan Pokluda and others baptized hundreds of University of Georgia students Wednesday night. Rather than immersions in traditional baptismal pools, many …

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Gazing at the Heavens: Bible Scholar Points to Eclipses During Jonah’s Time and Christ’s Crucifixion

People all over the country are making plans to watch the solar eclipse when it crosses the United States on April 8. “It’s pretty dramatic,” says Dr. Daniel Kennefick, a physics professor at the University of Arkansas. “A total solar eclipse is a very unique event because the moon, by a strange coincidence, happens to …

Gazing at the Heavens: Bible Scholar Points to Eclipses During Jonah’s Time and Christ’s Crucifixion Read More »

Morning Rundown: ‘It Happened Again’! Hundreds Baptized in Latest Campus Revival, Now at University of Alabama

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on ‘It Happened Again!’ Hundreds Baptized in Latest Campus Revival, Now at University of Alabama A new sign of the ongoing revival among America’s young people is being reported out of Alabama. In the latest example of this supernatural move of God, hundreds of students at …

Morning Rundown: ‘It Happened Again’! Hundreds Baptized in Latest Campus Revival, Now at University of Alabama Read More »

Morning Rundown: Joseph Z: There’s a Prophetic Word in Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Joseph Z: There’s a Prophetic Word in Baltimore Bridge Collapse Early in the morning on Tuesday, Mar. 26, the United States was shocked to watch a cargo container ship crash into the Francis Scott Key bridge, collapsing the structure. This catastrophic event saw the Port …

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Doubts and Proofs of Jesus’ Resurrection

If you read this on Resurrection Sunday, perhaps you have already exchanged the traditional hope-filled affirmation with other believers: “He is risen!” And they have responded, “He is risen, indeed!” The apostle Paul plainly declared the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead an essential element of our faith: “If Christ has not been raised, …

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Morning Rundown: What Do Taylor Swift and ‘The Chosen’ Have in Common?

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on What Do Taylor Swift and ‘The Chosen’ Have in Common? What could one of the world’s biggest pop stars and a show about Jesus Christ possibly have in common? “The Chosen” shared on Instagram the honor they recently had by having their show illuminated onto …

Morning Rundown: What Do Taylor Swift and ‘The Chosen’ Have in Common? Read More »

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