
Christian Navy Vet Charged with Hate Crime for Toppling Satanic Statue

In a stark contrast to the recent trend of statues of the nations Founding Fathers being toppled without consequence, a Christian Navy veteran, Michael Cassidy, is facing serious legal repercussions for his act of protest against a satanic display at the Iowa Capitol. Cassidy, a former F/A-18 Hornet pilot, turned himself in after toppling a …

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Christian Veteran Destroys Satanic Altar at Iowa Capitol

In an act of religious conviction, Michael Cassidy, a Christian and former military officer, recently tore down and beheaded a controversial Satanic altar at the Iowa Capitol. The display had already sparked ongoing debate about the role of religious displays in public spaces and the limits of free speech. The Satanic Temple of Iowa had …

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Update: Iowa Governor Weighs in on Satanic Display

In recent days, a controversial display has been erected in the Iowa state capitol by The Satanic Temple Iowa. This display, which features a silver ram’s head on a red-caped mannequin, has sparked significant debate among politicians and citizens alike. Republican Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds expressed her disapproval of the display, calling it “absolutely objectionable.” …

Update: Iowa Governor Weighs in on Satanic Display Read More »

Morning Rundown: Brian Houston Set to Launch New Church in 2024

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Brian Houston Set to Launch New Church in 2024 In a recent announcement on X (formerly known as Twitter), Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston, 69, revealed his plans to launch a new weekly online ministry and church in 2024. Houston, along with his wife Bobbie, …

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Iowa Statehouse’s Satanic Display Sparks Controversy and Concern

In a recent development at the Iowa Statehouse, a holiday display set up by the Satanic Temple has stirred controversy among many communities. The display, featuring a ram’s head covered with mirrors on a mannequin cloaked in red clothing, has been defended by the group’s co-founder, Lucien Greaves, as a symbol of their right to …

Iowa Statehouse’s Satanic Display Sparks Controversy and Concern Read More »

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