
Christians Prepare for Great American Eclipse of 2024

Excitement is building across America in anticipation of the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024. Hotel rooms along the path of the eclipse from Texas to Maine are already reserved. Museums and planetariums are planning events. There are also outdoor events such as rock concerts scheduled. And over 100 million Americans living in or …

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7 Reasons Not to Drink on St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is associated with revelry, parades and an abundance of alcohol consumption. However, for Christians, this holiday presents an opportunity to reflect on our faith and how we interact with society based on the principles outlined in the Bible. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! While the festivities may …

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Morning Rundown: Why Every Christian Should Pray for Strong Discernment

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Why Every Christian Should Pray for Strong Discernment The recent scandal involving Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer in Kansas City has triggered serious soul-searching—and the reaction is understandable. People feel angry, betrayed and bewildered. They trusted leaders who seemed incredibly spiritual, but …

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Don’t Be Pulled Into Despair Over the World Today

Have you ever wondered what you should do so you don’t get pulled into the chaotic swirl of moral and spiritual confusion sweeping the world today? Like a ship without anchor, this last-days generation is being tossed to and fro by a flood of deception and wrong influences that is tragically causing people to lose …

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Gunmen Murder 15 Churchgoers In Sunday Service

Gunmen in Burkina Faso stormed a Catholic church Feb. 25, killing 15 worshippers and leaving two in critical condition, according to a senior church official. The vicar general of the Catholic Diocese of Dori, Jean-Pierre Sawadogo, called it a jihadist terrorist attack. He also asked for prayer for “those who continue to wreak death and …

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Is There a Plan to Shame, Silence and Demoralize Christians in America?

While many in America will flat out deny it—the media, corrupt bureaucrats, radical activists and so on—Christians across the country have been noticing an increase of attacks against them, and by extension, God. In a recent report, Breitbart reported an increase of 600% in attacks on churches alone in the country, and one group has …

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Morning Rundown: 2024 Prophecy: Is This the Year of the Do-Over?

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 2024 Prophecy: Is This the Year of the Do-Over? Will 2024 be 2020’s do-over? No one will ever forget the way that 2020 dramatically shifted our world forever. Lockdowns lasted for months, and even into 2021 and 2022 in some places. Children missed out on …

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Sudanese Christian Slaves Saved in Modern-Day Underground Railroad: ‘Extremely Dangerous Work’

An organization combatting Christian persecution across the globe recently announced it helped free 1,500 Sudanese slaves last year, bringing the total liberated over the past three decades to over 100,000. Joel Veldkamp, head of international communications at Christian Solidarity International, told CBN News Christians and followers of indigenous religions in South Sudan have been the …

Sudanese Christian Slaves Saved in Modern-Day Underground Railroad: ‘Extremely Dangerous Work’ Read More »

Proposed Legislation Sparks New Concerns for Christian Freedom

Christians in Germany are growing fearful over a proposed bill that could potentially infringe upon their freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. The legislation, introduced by Family Minister Lisa Paus of the Green Party, seeks to establish censorship zones around abortion facilities. Under the proposed law, pro-life prayers and offers of help within 100 meters …

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Joel Osteen Issues Statement, Shocking Revelation Released on Lakewood Shooter

Following the chaotic aftermath of the shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, distressing details are being released about the shooter and what drove her to commit this heinous act. As Charisma News reported, two individuals were shot and wounded, including a child who is in critical condition, while the shooter now identified …

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It’s Time to Stop Entertaining the Troops and Go to Battle

The days are changing fast, and so is the way many churches have chosen to operate. Churches are expanding, and with the expansion comes a breaking away from what many of us grew up with. Steeples and stained glass have given way to worship centers with black-box, theater-style stages that are optimized for flashy rock-style …

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Open Doors Report Reveals Alarming Trends of Persecution

In a stark revelation, Open Doors, an international Christian persecution watchdog group, has issued its annual report highlighting a distressing surge in violence against Christians globally. The report, released on Wednesday, details the World Watch List 2024, ranking the 50 worst countries for Christian persecution and documenting alarming trends. According to the report, nearly 5,000 …

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