Bill Wiese

Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: How Do We Understand God?

A common misconception among Christians is the belief that man cannot understand God’s ways. We often hear people use the phrase, “God’s ways are not our ways” referencing the verse in Isaiah 55:8–9 (NKJV), which says, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. ‘For as the …

Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: How Do We Understand God? Read More »

Is Hell Fair?

Many people have come to think that hell is too severe for the sins committed today. We’ve actually become accustomed to sin. In doing so, we’ve determined that God should not judge people so harshly. What we must realize is whom we have sinned against. Sinning against our fellow man is not the same as …

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Morning Rundown: Steve Strang Responds to Mike Bickle’s Personal Statement Amid Investigation

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Steve Strang Responds to Mike Bickle’s Personal Statement Amid Investigation On Dec. 12, Mike Bickle released his personal statement about the allegations that were brought against him back in October. On his most recent Strang Report, Stephen Strang discussed how Christians can prayerfully and wisely …

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How You Can Find Your Way Out of Confusion and Into Hope

In today’s world I could tell someone that I’m a blue monkey, and they would probably agree with me. They would likely respond with something like, “Whatever your truth is, I accept and affirm it.” That is absolute nonsense. Most people are agreeing with this type of absurdity because they fear appearing judgmental, or they …

How You Can Find Your Way Out of Confusion and Into Hope Read More »

Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation? Will God allow the church to go through the Tribulation? Since Christians have been tortured and killed throughout the last 2,000 years for their faith in Jesus Christ, many people believe that the answer to that question is …

Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation? Read More »

Equipping Wisdom and Obedience in Your Spiritual Warfare Arsenal

Spiritual warfare is a deeply personal and spiritually charged experience for Christians. At its core, it is the ongoing struggle between the forces of God and Satan in the spiritual realm, where Christians find themselves embroiled in an ancient battle. This battle manifests in various forms, including temptation, doubt and spiritual attacks, all aimed at …

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