Benny Hinn

Misunderstandings About the Gift of Prophecy

There is so much confusion and danger today surrounding the third realm of the prophetic, the gift of prophecy. Proper understanding always starts in Scripture. So let’s start with Paul’s explanation to the Corinthians. “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And …

Misunderstandings About the Gift of Prophecy Read More »

Pastor Greg Locke with Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center

For too long, devils have been running rampant across America. Without a body of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit to cast them out, who else was there to stop them? As the manifestation of demonic influence is claiming territory around the world, two titans of deliverance ministry have united in the cause of driving …

Pastor Greg Locke with Benny Hinn: God Putting Deliverance Ministry Front and Center Read More »

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