
Religious Freedom Precedent: America’s Pro-Jewish Founding Fathers

“The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.” These are the words of John Adams, America’s second president. His words are …

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Dem Strategist Says Christians More Dangerous Than Terrorists

In a recent interview on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Democratic strategist James Carville, the “Ragin’ Cajun,” sparked controversy by asserting that Christian Republicans pose a greater threat to the United States than Islamic terrorists. Carville specifically targeted U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, alleging that his beliefs and affiliations are a fundamental danger to …

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Morning Rundown: Hundreds in Gaza Report Jesus Appearing to Them in Dreams

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Hundreds in Gaza Report Jesus Appearing to Them in Dreams In the war-torn region of Gaza, a remarkable story is unfolding, echoing the biblical prophecies of the end times. According to Christian professor Michael Licona, more than 200 Muslim men have experienced life-altering visions of …

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This Satanic Ritual Is Exploding in American Popularity

There is no sugarcoating this: America is in deep, deep spiritual darkness. If she continues down this track of satanic and demonic practice, she will see the Lord’s hand removed completely, and suffer greatly for it. Need proof of the decline in America? Look no further than a recent piece in Cosmopolitan magazine which defends …

This Satanic Ritual Is Exploding in American Popularity Read More »

Rolling Stone Slams Men of Faith Jim Garlow, Mike Johnson

In a recent Rolling Stone article, Pastor Jim Garlow and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson were brought to attention for speaking about the need of prayer and ignition to renew America’s spiritual condition. While the media could not fathom the actual spiritual implications of the growing culture around us, Garlow and Johnson were brave …

Rolling Stone Slams Men of Faith Jim Garlow, Mike Johnson Read More »

Pastor John Hagee Warns of Potential Terror Threat to the US

In a recent interview on Fox News’ “Life, Liberty & Levin,” renowned Pastor John Hagee voices concerns about the United States facing a terror attack similar to the recent Hamas attacks in Israel. During the interview, Hagee, who leads the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, and also serves as the founder and chairman of …

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Morning Rundown: John Ramirez Exposes the Dangers of Halloween, Trunk or Treat

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on John Ramirez Exposes the Dangers of Halloween, Trunk or Treat In one of his latest videos, evangelist John Ramirez is exposing the dangers of allowing Halloween celebrations to creep into the church, especially in the form of trunk or treat. “Shame on these pastors that …

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Morning Rundown: Family Calls for Prayer for Ailing Filmmaker and Author Warren Marcus

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Family Calls for Prayer for Ailing Filmmaker and Author Warren Marcus Through social media, multitudes of friends, family and those touched by his ministry are calling for prayer for author, filmmaker, television producer, speaker and ordained Messianic minister Warren Marcus, who is in the hospital …

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Morning Rundown: Guidelines for Ministering Deliverance, Part 1

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Guidelines for Ministering Deliverance, Part 1 Praying for deliverance is something that must be done with encouragement, acceptance and love. To deliver someone, demons must be driven away and access doors closed to prevent the return of the evil spirits. Access doors can be opened …

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It’s Time the ‘Silent’ Church Wakes Up and Speaks Out

Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Jack Hibbs is stirring hearts and minds with his passionate plea for the church to reclaim its divine mandate. Speaking at the Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand Summit, Hibbs declares that the “silent” church is culpable for the United States becoming a “post-Christian nation.” His words resounded …

It’s Time the ‘Silent’ Church Wakes Up and Speaks Out Read More »

Presidential Candidate Highlights Faith as Key to America’s Future

Nikki Haley, former South Carolina Governor and 2024 Republican presidential candidate, recently emphasized the need for the United States to embrace its foundational faith during a campaign event in Iowa. Speaking at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall, Haley stressed the importance of these principles in revitalizing American society. Haley expressed her concern, …

Presidential Candidate Highlights Faith as Key to America’s Future Read More »

Why Sid Roth Is So Excited about Jonathan Cahn’s New Book

When you take a step back and look at the state of America you’re probably wondering, “how did we get here so quickly?” In what feels like a blink of an eye we’ve gone from a country proud of their biblical values to “cheer at our gay weddings or go to jail.” I was in …

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