10 Biblical Promises for a Blessed 2024

The Scriptures provide us with numerous conditional promises and commands that, if followed, will ultimately ensure a blessed future. This doesn’t imply that walking with God will shield us from all challenges or suffering. It pertains to the rewarding outcomes of specific actions and lifestyles. As we step into 2024, adhering to Scripture’s teachings is …

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Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets’ 2024 Prophetic Word: The Year of the Dragon, the Bear and the Lion

In a brand-new video discussing what is in store for 2024, Dutch Sheets shared the great implications of what this season means for America and for the world. He specifically pointed out that three nations in particular—which can be identified as the dragon, bear and lion—will look at America’s current condition as an opportunity to …

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Mike Signorelli’s 2024 Prophetic Word: ‘We Are in a Birthing Season’

In a podcast with other pastoral members of his V1 Church in New York, Pastor Mike Signorelli shared what season he believes the Lord is placing many in 2024. One of the first things Signorelli discussed in the podcast was how the previous season of 2023 was a time when false prophets could look as …

Mike Signorelli’s 2024 Prophetic Word: ‘We Are in a Birthing Season’ Read More »

Jennifer LeClaire 2024 Word: ‘The Enemy Wants to Burn Down the Gates’

While seeking out what the Lord wanted to say about 2024, Jennifer LeClaire was led to read in the book of Nehemiah. It was here that she noticed three different times where the Scripture says that the enemy burned down the gates. “He said, ‘the enemy is trying to burn down the gates,’” LeClaire says …

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Fresh Oil, Holy Fire, New Wind: A Prophetic Word for 2024

Joining Charisma News for an exclusive interview, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, brings forth a powerful prophetic word for 2024. He shares the importance of fresh oil, holy fire and new wind in the coming year that the Lord has put on his heart. Fresh Oil The first element …

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Prophetic Insight for 2024: War, Turmoil and Spiritual Preparedness

In a recent Charisma News interview with Bishop Alan DiDio, he shared his prophetic insights for the year 2024. Drawing from biblical passages and current events, he discussed several key themes that believers should be aware of as they prepare for the future. Bishop DiDio began by emphasizing the importance of being spiritually prepared for …

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Brian Gibson 2024 Prophetic Word: “God’s Igniting a Holy Hunger”

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Brian Gibson gave a prophetic word for 2024 that brings both life and warning to what will be coming to America. “I think the camp of darkness is more hungry for iniquity, and confusion, and pain, and trauma and turmoil,” Gibson said. “And they’re hungry to demonize young …

Brian Gibson 2024 Prophetic Word: “God’s Igniting a Holy Hunger” Read More »

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