Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Loren Cunningham (Charisma News archives)

Loren Cunningham, who founded the Youth With a Mission Ministry more than 62 years ago, has been stricken with Stage 4 lung cancer. His wife, Darlene, posted this notice on Instagram this week:

“Thank you so much for your prayers for Loren and his health. As you know, doctors did a biopsy on some very slow-growing nodules in his lungs earlier this month, when they got large enough to biopsy. They turned out to be cancerous, which led us back to Honolulu for a full body scan on February 22.

“The results from that scan have just come in, revealing that there is extensive cancer in Loren’s lungs, bones and lymph system (stage 4 cancer).”

Darlene Cunningham says it’s a miracle the cancer cells have not spread to his brain, and that Loren Cunningham is “able to be quite active at this time.”

“We believe with all our hearts that these miracles are an answer to the prayers of the saints,” Darlene says. “Everything about this case has been unusual. The oncologist said that usually, lesions in the lungs grow very quickly; Loren’s have grown very slowly.

“We don’t know whether that will be characteristic of the growth of the other lesions as well? But what we DO know is that he is in God’s hands.”

Darlene Cunningham says that she and her family will prioritize her husband’s quality of life over trying to extend it through chemo or other treatments that could “reduce his energy and productiveness.

In the meantime, Cunningham’s wife says, he’s remaining active in his leadership role in the University of the Nations campus in Kona, Hawaii and other ministries.

“Revelation has been flowing for Loren like never before—and that is saying something! The joy of God’s dream of getting the Bible orally into every mother tongue on earth is the passion that fuels him every day, all day.

“He has Jesus, family, friends and vision. Who could ask for more? And all of them continue on the other side. … Thank you for your continuing love and prayers through the season ahead.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma News.

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