Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Matthew 23:13-39 Jesus expresses the heartcry of the Father in this passage. He would that none perish, but that all should come to repentance. As Jesus looked from the temple mount upon Jerusalem, He cried out, “How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not” (Matt. 23:37, KJV).

As a mother I know how comforting it is to have all my children (my little chickens) under my roof. When the boys were older, I always breathed a sigh of relief when they were all tucked safe in their beds for the night.

In this last hour the Father is gathering His chickens. He will not be satisfied until all of His children come to dwell in His house. As I read this heartcry, I wondered how often the Father has wanted to direct me by His Holy Spirit or speak to me through His Word, and I would not. Every morning if I listen intently I can hear the invitation, “Come sup with Me.” Every morning the Lord is waiting to have fellowship with me.

I heard a marvelous sermon by Seville Phillips on the words Jesus spoke on the cross. Jesus said, “I thirst.” The main point of his message was that the God of the universe, tented in flesh, had a need. He was thirsty. His thirst, however, was not just physical. He thirsted for fellowship with the Father and His disciples. He wanted to be satiated by love. The separation from the Father He experienced on the cross was more than He could bear. God has purer eyes than to behold evil, so He had to turn away from Jesus for a moment in time because even though Jesus knew no sin, He became sin for us. That separation broke Jesus’ heart. Jesus’ heart burst under the burden.

This morning spend time supping with Jesus. He longs and thirsts to have fellowship with you. He bids you to come. He wants to gather you into His arms as a mother chicken gathers her brood under her wings. Will you respond to His invitation? Don’t break His heart.

Lord, forgive me for the times I have refused Your invitation to fellowship with You. I know You wait daily to have a conversation with me. There are love letters from You I haven’t even taken the time to read. I remember when I was courting my husband, how daily I waited at the mailbox for his letter to arrive when we were separated because of his job. The moment the letter came, I tore into it and sat down and read and reread it. O Lord, create in my heart the same eagerness to read Your Word. You have loving things to say to me daily in Your Word, and so often I fail to daily open these love letters. I’ve been too busy to read them. I am so sorry.

READ: Exodus 19:16-21; Matthew 23:13-39; Psalm 28:1-9; Proverbs 7:1-5

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