Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Psalm 119:113-131 David in this psalm reveals the secret of getting through trying circumstances. He says, “You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word” (v. 114). Corrie ten Boom wrote the story of her experience in the concentration camps where she lost all of her family. She titled the book The Hiding Place. She was arrested for hiding Jewish people during the war, but she was able to get through those trying times because she hid herself in the Lord.

Just yesterday I heard the testimony of a precious saint who lost two of her children in a tragic accident in a one-week period. As she shared her story, I knew she had discovered David’s secret. A policeman showed up at their door to tell her that her son had been killed in an automobile crash. When she received the news, she shared that quietness settled over her heart. The Lord Himself was shielding her from the shock. One week after her son’s death she received the news that her husband and daughter were in a terrible crash. They were on the way to meet her at a conference. Her husband survived, but her daughter did not. Once again she hid herself in Jesus, and He quieted her troubled soul.

She did grieve, but even during those weeks of grief, the Lord shielded her from being overwhelmed with grief. The Bible tells us that Jesus was a man of sorrows who was acquainted with grief. He can identify with grief, but because of His sacrifice on the cross for us, we now have the strength through Him not to be overwhelmed with grief.

During the trying times of our life we need to remember this verse of scripture in Colossians 3:3: “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” What a safe place to be. I like to demonstrate this verse by letting my thumb represent me. As I fold my thumb into the same hand, I say, “I am hidden with Christ.” Then I take my other hand, which I say represents God, and as I enfold my left-fisted hand with my right hand, I say, “I am hidden with Christ in God.” The security and peace we have when we see our position in Christ Jesus will get us through whatever storms of life we will experience. Christ is the rock of our salvation, and we can hide ourselves in Him daily. How do we do this? We can pray a prayer like this:

Lord, You are a shield round about me. I hide myself today in the pavilion of Your love far away from the strife of tongues and the fiery darts of the enemy. I abide in You today, and I receive my nourishment and protection from You. Help me to remain in this safe place all the day long. I never want to leave Your side, and You have promised never to leave me or forsake me.

READ: Daniel 5:1-31; 1 Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-131; Proverbs 28:19-20

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