Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Yes, God Does Have of a Sense of Humor

Most of us have a sense of humor, and we were made in God's image. So shouldn't God have one, too?

God has a rich and wonderful sense of humor, and He loves to show His “funny side” to His children. Does that thought surprise you?

It shouldn’t. After all, most of us have a sense of humor, and we are created in God’s image. Where else would we have gotten it?

Sometimes we get wrong images of God. We see Him as stern and hard to please or distant and unloving. But God wants to reveal Himself to us as a loving daddy who is close and caring and sometimes playful. He enjoys bringing levity and humor into our relationship with Him.

David the psalmist touches on this aspect of God’s nature when he said, “the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart” (Ps. 19:8). I believe David knew and experienced God’s humor firsthand because one of the characteristics of God’s sense of humor is that it brings joy and laughter to us.

God is not mean, and His teasing is never hurtful or cutting. It is characterized by life, love, radiance and joy. Psalm 126:2 talks about God’s filling our mouths with laughter and our tongues with songs of joy. God enjoys doing that in our day-to-day encounters with Him.

Let me share some examples from my own life.

One day I was praying intensely about something, an area of concern I have brought to the Lord on multiple occasions. As I was praying to the Father, I said, “Lord, I don’t mean to be a pain in the rear by bringing this to You yet again, but …”

“Teresa,” God broke into my prayer. “I am a spirit being. I don’t have a rear!”

I started laughing so hard I couldn’t remember what I was going to pray next. God and I had a time of wonderful fellowship together.

My prayer life may be a bit unusual. From time to time, God directs me to pray to a certain member of the Trinity. One morning He told me to spend the morning with Jesus.

I happily started talking to Jesus. But as the morning progressed, I realized my prayers were wandering all over the place and I was addressing the Father and the Holy Spirit as well. At one point I was talking to the Father about something when He said to me, “Teresa, didn’t I ask you to address your prayers to Jesus this morning?”

“Yes, Lord!” I knew He was right. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten so soon.

So I said, “I’m sorry, Lord, I’ve been wandering all over the place.” Then I prayed, “OK, Jesus, here I am. I’m listening. Please speak to me.”

I tried to get really still and focused so I could hear Him. Without realizing it, I began holding my breath.

Jesus broke into my thoughts and asked, “Teresa, what are you doing?”

“I’m waiting to hear from You, Lord.”

“Do you think that holding your breath is going to make Me speak to you any faster?”

I burst out laughing. I was not aware I had been holding my breath until He said that!

God really does have a delightful sense of humor, and it pleases Him to manifest His loving humor to us. If you have a difficult time seeing God this way, ask the Holy Spirit to deliver you from any wrong ideas you may have about God and to reveal His true nature to you.

It is the Spirit’s job to “guide you into all truth” (John 16:13), and He wants you to know the Father as He is, not as you have conceived Him to be based on your background, past experience or religious upbringing.

Prayer Power for the Week of Feb. 28, 2016

This week, take time simply to enjoy the presence of God. As you move toward a greater intimacy with Him, ask Him to reveal more and more of Himself to you. Look for His imprint in creation and either observe or research its vastness and see parts of His personality reflected in it. Listen to His still, small voice as you converse with Him in prayer. Embrace the peace and joy that come from truly knowing Him. Continue to pray that He sends more laborers into His harvest fields, for an outpouring of His Spirit and worldwide revival, for our pastors and leaders, our military, government officials and the upcoming elections (John 16:13; Ps. 19:8; Ps. 126:2).

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