Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Your Success Depends on This Foundational Habit

This one thing can stop God's will for your life.

La La Land, the 2016 American musical nominated for 14 Academy Awards, was written and directed by Damien Chazell, starred Ryan Gosling and won Emma Stone the Best Actress Award. It was a love story about an aspiring actress and musician who wanted to become stars. The movie depicted the agony talented artists must endure in order to break into a difficult Hollywood theatrical and musical industry. Thousands of wannabes flood into Hollywood daily to find stardom, yet sadly, few do. Success in the entertainment and media industry, as in all areas in life, comes when individuals do the hard work—the foundational work of “pounding the pavement.”

God wants us to be successful. But He wants us to first pound the pavement in our spiritual lives. Making space and time for daily prayer and meditation in God’s Word means dedication to Him. It requires a passion for seeking a higher force—God’s will first in our lives. In 2 Thessalonians 3:7-8, Paul was a pavement-pounder. He wrote to encourage the young Thessalonian Christians, saying, “For you know how you should follow us. For we were not idle among you, neither did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it, but we worked tirelessly and toiled night and day that we might not be a burden to any of you.” The early Christians knew they had to work hard so the love and hope of Jesus might be made known to all.

You can also be an encouragement to others. Each day is an opportunity to meet someone, read or learn something that can make you and those around you stronger in relationship with God. Artists often become so intent on our own careers and struggles that we fail at seeing those around us. I believe that as we encourage and help open doors for others, God brings us joy within our own struggles. He teaches us how to see things outside ourselves, and when we do that, we flourish even when life is difficult. Work is turned to joy.

Are you willing to pound the pavement for what God wants in your life daily? God’s got plans laid out for you if you follow Him diligently, keeping your eyes open for those doors He’ll open. Or, as we say in Hollywood, “Action!”

Kathleen Cooke is a founding partner and Vice-President of Cooke Pictures, and the Influence Lab, She speaks globally and editors the monthly journal Influence Women, and her weekly blog, Follow her on Twitter @KathleenRCooke or Instagram and FB: KathleenRCooke.

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