Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Your Strongest Tool to Eradicate Violence in Your City

We have the same call as His people that He sent into Babylon to influence pagan culture. This is how we should handle the racial strife and violence tearing at the seams of our nation.

One man earnestly prayed and impacted an entire nation. How much more when hundreds—even thousands—of faithful men and women of God stand against the powers of darkness and cry out for righteousness to be exalted in their city?

The Lord Jesus Christ has given to His church the keys of the kingdom.

Through prayer we can bind the forces of darkness that are fomenting hate and bigotry resulting in rioting, looting and violence.

We can loose the Holy Spirit to bring spiritual awaking and transformation upon our cities.

You have that authority. It has been placed in the hands of the church.

We must embrace the promise and the responsibility to earnestly pray for our city and say to the Lord of the Harvest, “Not on my watch will our city be torn apart by racial tension, crime and violence.”

As the church of our Lord Jesus Christ, the powers of darkness will not steal, kill and destroy in our city. We will give God no rest until He pours out righteousness and Holy Spirit awakening upon our city.

Not on my watch will I sit by and let Satan destroy my city and my nation.

Dr. F. Dean Hackett has served in full-time Christian ministry since October 1971. He has ministered throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, serving as pastor, conference speaker and mentor. He has planted four churches, assisted in planting 15 others, and currently serves as lead pastor of Living Faith Church in Hermiston, Oregon. Dr. Hackett founded Spirit Life Ministries International in 2001 to facilitate ministries in Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina and to open a training center for workers in those nations. You can find him at F. Dean Hackett – Foundational, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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