Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Your Personal Path to Divine Destiny

In my intentional, no-agenda time with God when I just listen to what He wants to tell me without bringing my long to-do list to Him, God took me to my future. I was in a mansion with many rooms.

Upon seeing the picture, I was reminded of John 14:2. Depending on which translation I read, it quotes Jesus as saying, “In My Father’s house are many ‘dwelling places,’ ‘mansions’ or ‘rooms.””

There were rooms lining an endless central hallway. Jesus was my guide. He pointed to various doors and invited me to walk through. What I saw was too personal to write about, but suffice it to say, it is part of my legacy, destiny and future. I cried with joy as He took me to each room.

After several rooms, it was too much to take. I asked Him to only show me what I can handle right now. Each room He showed me was an endless room. What I saw was that each room had more phases to it that spanned generations, past, present and future.

It was too vast to understand except that it gave me a deep sense of joy and fulfillment. I know from what He showed me that I am headed in the right direction and in tune with Him more now than ever.

The last part of John 14:2 says. “If that were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you.” I’ve always seen that as many rooms in heaven, and I’ll be going there one day to enjoy all those room as my palace of leisure.

Now, I see those rooms that He has prepared for me are all about the ripple effect my life here on earth has started or continued from those down through the ages. These are not prophecies of my future. These rooms hold my future.

There is a huge difference between what could be and what is. What is, is already done. It is what God said and so even though it is in the future, it is set. It is done. It is finished.

Here’s the other revelation I had, though. I’m very aware if I don’t stay in Christ, I can miss what is to come. How do I miss it?

I can veer off God’s chosen path, stop listening to Him by once again indulging in selfish desires, and refuse to course correct when the voice of my Teacher shows me the correct way to go.

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left” (Isa. 30:21).

The promise God gives us is if we are listening, He will let us know the right path. If we follow Him, our paths will lead right to our destinies.

I coach many different folks in various ways, but my favorite way is through VIP Freedom Coaching. One of my clients, Margie McKay, shared how God showed her in a dream that He will teach her how to eat properly and how that is connected to her destiny.

“I know it may be a little stormy and difficult to maneuver at first, but I will have nothing to fear because He has planned my future,” she said. “I don’t see my future yet, but I know it’s beautiful, calm, joyful and I will be totally fulfilled and happy.”

When sharing this breakthrough moment, she reminded me that I told her that God was not finished with her and had a plan for her life. She added, “I am so thankful for you helping me as I go through this journey of forgiveness and experiencing God in a way that I never have before. Experiencing His love, compassion and acceptance is beyond words. He never gives up on me, and you haven’t either, Teresa.”

Margie isn’t the only one who has experienced these kinds of breakthrough moments. Many have. In VIP Freedom Coaching I do six sessions of one-on-one coaching for each person. The sessions are geared to what you want and need.

We start with understanding the things that are holding us back on our journeys. We dig deep to find where the roots are and then, work to remove these. It’s different for each person. The tools we use bring insight and almost instant relief of lifelong burdens we have shouldered.

Many times, it’s these burdens that the evil one reminds of often. We feel our baggage will always weigh us down. Through this coaching process burdens are removed, past issues forgiveness and broken connections to God restored.

I dearly love doing one-on-one coaching. I get to see strongholds broken, lives and relationships restored and futures redeemed. I get to see clients like Margie, who have become friends, hear directly from God about their future if they follow what He has shown them to do. {eoa}

Teresa Shields Parker is the author of seven books, all available on Amazon. Her latest book, Sweet Hunger: Developing an Appetite for God, is available now, and Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds is the No. 1 Christian weight-loss memoir. She is also a writing and weight-loss coach, blogger, speaker, wife and mother. Visit her online at to find her books, coaching programs and free gifts.

This article originally appeared at

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