Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Your Isa. 40:31 Secret to Triumphant Victory

Feeling weak these days? We all do. We face those struggles. There’s so much on our plate, so much to resolve and so little strength to keep going.

I was there many times. And it began when in my freshman year of high school while on that race track as I held the baton. But in my heart, I held anguish. Before me was the distance I’d have to run between the starting point and the next runner where I’d hand off the baton. In relay races, the distance is short. But for me, it ran the length of the world.

All eyes would be on me.

Dreadful thoughts would rumble like thunder—what if I should stumble, drop the baton, fall or cause my team to lag far behind? All of these visions would torment me just before every race began.

Have you ever felt that way when one more stretch of life is before you and wonder if you’ll make it? All eyes are on you, observing your performance. Before long you are on a journey, painfully foreign to you. Sweat pours out and you wonder if you’ll make it one more step.

That’s when God makes an announcement only for your ears to hear. “Let me run by your side!” And, with the firmness of His Word, He whispers confidence to begin the race. With His grace, He lifts your burden to lighten the load. With His promises, He cheers you on. Should you stumble with His mighty Hand, He’ll scoop you up. When anguish and pain sear and burn, His compassion will soothe calmness to your soul. And should fatigue run you dry; His grace will pour renewed hope. Should doubt flicker through, His lips will speak the reassurance to build your strength.

What I Wish I Had Known

I wish I’d known back then that, no matter how long the distance, how arduous the journey, how threatening the obstacles, my legs didn’t need to tremble. My heart didn’t need to race wildly. And I didn’t have to dread the races before me.

On the contrary, God was renewing my strength. He said, “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint” (Isa. 40:31).

Here’s the catch. That promise is reserved for those who hope in the Lord. Victory comes, triumphant ending awaits and the winning prize is ours. All that’s needed is to hope in Him, count on Him and release the baton of our burdens to Him.

Do you think today is the day you’ll be handing God your baton? {eoa}

Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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