Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Your Faith-Key to Experiencing the Miracles You’ve Been Praying For

Consistency with your confession of faith is key when it comes to bringing your miraculous transformation to fruition.

If you are constantly whining and complaining, you will not have a miraculous intervention. This is what the Israelites did. And because of it, they ended up wandering around in the desert for 40 years when it was only an 11-day journey. They complained about everything and were thankful for nothing.

Think about all that the Lord had done for them—supernaturally rescued them from their enemy and provided for their every need. He provided supernaturally protection from plagues and the spirit of death, and again by supernatural means gave them direction by a cloud in the daylight and protection by a pillar of fire in the night. He made a way of escape for them from their enemy by parting the Red Sea, satisfied their thirst by pouring water from a rock, and rained down fresh bread and quail (meat) from heaven. Their clothing and their shoes did not even wear out. And all they could do was complain and accuse God and their leaders of evil intentions.

We read this and think to ourselves how spiritually blind they were, but we can act just as they did. God gives us everything we need, and yet we allow our confession of faith to be filled with doubt and unbelief. How do we change this?

  1. We need to repent for our willful and negative confessions of faith.
  2. We need to ask forgiveness for the reason behind these negative words against our God and His readiness to meet our every need.
  3. The next step is to ask Holy Spirit for His help to teach us to hear how negatively we speak against the promises of God.
  4. Along with Holy Spirit’s help to hear how we speak, we need to ask Him to teach us how to speak with faith for our needs to be met.
  5. We need to focus on the promise of God to meet our need and not on the problem.
  6. We need to make a quality decision to use the power of our words and speak God’s promises no matter what is going on in our bodies or the situations around us.
  7. And we have to speak faith on a consistent basis, not just once in a while.

If we will put these seven principles into practice, our confessions of faith will produce what they are meant to. {eoa}

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic, The Healing Creed and Conquering the Spirit of Death. Visit her at

This article originally appeared at

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