Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You Are a Prize to Be Won

Wendy Griffith

Wendy Griffith is beautiful and has a glamorous job but has experienced a devastating heartbreak and the ups and downs of dating. She shares her story in You Are a Prize to Be Won, which has been released in time for Valentine’s Day. A CBN news anchor, Griffith shares advice learned the hard way of dating a noncommittal man who broke up with her because he knew he was going to marry her.

My favorite chapters are “The Dangers of Recreational Kissing” and “Purity Is Sexy.” Griffith is her 40s and knows the challenges of dating with standards set by the Bible as far physical intimacy goes. The book is chock full of sound advice on how to date without compromising your Christian faith. In the chapter “Avoid the Counterfeit,” she offers these three steps:

1. A man’s intentions and feelings about you should be clear. You shouldn’t be forced to guess how he feels about you. The counterfeit guy I dated told me month after month, “God keeps telling me, ‘One day at a time.’” But if a guy doesn’t know what his intentions are after several months of dating, he’s “playing you, not planning with you,” as author and comedian Steve Harvey says. Yes, I bought the “one day at a time” thing, and now I know what was happening—I was being played! Sometimes we have to learn things the hard way.

2. Listen to God. God will warn you. He loves you. He wants you to make good decisions, especially when it comes to your love life. I ignored numerous warning dreams from the Lord because they didn’t fit in with my fairy-tale plans. Don’t ignore the little promptings, the red flags and the warning dreams. However God speaks to you, pay close attention. We often need God’s help to discern the real thing from the counterfeit.

3. Make sure a man’s words are consistent with his actions. “I love you,” “I miss you” and “I need you” all sound wonderful, but they only ring true if a man’s words match his actions. After months of “I love yous,” if a guy’s not popping the question to you, chances are that he’s not really serious about you. Sincerity is proven by action. If you find a man consistent in his pursuit of you who puts his words into action, you may have just found “the one.”

Griffith includes entries from her journal and stories of covering Hurricane Katrina and visiting the Philippines to follow up the Gracia Burnham story. Every chapter ends with questions for personal reflection. This is a great read for singles in every situation—widowed, divorced, young or older—as there is wisdom for everyone. Click here to order the book.

 Below is a video of Pat Robertson interviewing Wendy Griffith on the 700 Club.

Leilani Haywood is editor of SpiritLed Woman and a frequent contributor to Charisma. She is a Kansas City, Mo.-based award-winning writer and columnist. She has been published in the Kansas City Star, Metro Voice and other publications. Follow her on Twitter @leilanihaywood.

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