Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

World Women’s Wholeness Summit Sparks Overwhelming Response

Women are embracing healing and leaning into their unique legacies in the Lord in an unprecedented worldwide movement sparked through the World Women’s Wholeness Summit 2020. This free virtual event on International Women’s Day 2020 was able to reach 152,000 women from 99 countries, with numbers continuing to grow in the days following the event.

The comprehensive event covered wholeness in physical health, faith, identity, purpose, mental health and more. In the spirit of unity and diversity, women of all walks of life and skin colors gathered around a central theme: “Let’s be made whole …” Women put aside differences to embrace each other in an event void of any political discussion or competition; instead of opposing each other, we were completing and celebrating one another with unity in Jesus. The average online watch time was 26 minutes (industry average is three to five minutes). Over the three days, the 3W Summit reached 152,000 through social media in addition to 60,000 unique viewers to the online community where 74 talks on wholeness were housed, which complemented the live discussions held by panels throughout the weekend. What we planned as a gathering has become a movement! This is a move of God!

Women all over the world, in all walks of life, carry tremendous burdens. Women are twice as likely to have anxiety, depression and PTSD than are men. One woman out of three is raped, molested or assaulted. We hurt for ourselves, often while caring for others. Whether it is in our emotions and mind, finances, relationships, work life, fertility and loss, mental health or because of abuse or addictions, brokenness can lead to a felt sense of unworthiness, a lack of whole living. These dark places, these broken places in body, soul and spirit, are often the cause of anxiety, depression, fear, loneliness, emotional pain and overwhelm.

Whatever destructive fire a woman has survived—loss, trauma, deep disappointment, rejection, neglect, addictions and/or broken relationships—I fully believe in her ability to rise, like a Phoenix, through the ashes and be reborn with resurrection power. As a trauma therapist and clinical practice manager, I have been fortunate to witness women make these powerful transformations every day. Over and over, I have witnessed women rise through the ashes of life’s devastations and watched them emerge to embrace their passions and live their fullest lives, overflowing with hope and purpose.

Before helping women professionally, I personally walked through the ashes of devastating childhood abuse, the loss of a child, divorce and the suicide of my father. Through my own healing and through watching a plethora of others heal before me, I’ve seen what’s possible in regard to finding wholeness and living out a rich legacy in the Lord. I know every woman can carry her whole story into the present and use it to create a whole self in a way God always intended. Every hurting woman really can have a different life! What’s more, the world is aching for women to fulfill those desires and uncover their unique gifts.

It is now time for women to clear the wreckage of the past and step center stage into their lavish callings.

It is time for women to enter into more wholeness so they can walk in legacy that will impact the generations to come.

We crave wholeness because we were made for it. Becoming more whole is a process that requires intentionality and active participation. Achieving personal wholeness is a lifelong adventure and pursuit. Wholeness in the areas of psychological, physical, behavioral, spiritual, relational well-being and purpose builds an essential foundation for a joyful, satisfying life.

Wholeness for All Women

The World Women’s Wholeness Summit 2020 was held March 6-8, 2020, and we are already approaching many, many hundreds of testimonies pouring in! The 3W Summit 2020 was free and online, giving viewers access to 74 speakers, many of whom are world-leading voices in mental health. Speakers included Real Talk Kim, Cora Jakes Coleman, Laura B. Grant, Stasi Eldredge, Nicole C. Mullen, Pastor Sheryl Brady, Valorie Burton and many dozens of others! Viewers had access to information that facilitated greater wholeness in the mind, will, emotions, relationships and behaviors. The 3W Summit also addressed purpose, motherhood and career, helping women to launch into God-given legacy living. The 3W Summit content was available for three days, 24 hours a day, with about 30 videos released on demand per day, and a live feed was also available. The live feed included heartfelt discussions by diverse women on key issues such as healing race relations, getting free of false guilt, “divorce widows,” reproductive loss, infertility, depression, anxiety, the effects of child abuse, rape and molestation, addiction, chronic illness, domestic violence and much more! All discussions were authentic, vulnerable and led women toward hope and help.

The 3W Summit 2020 has reached many women already. At last count, we had a reach of over 152,000 online and over 60,000 unique viewers in 99 different countries! But the most astounding statistic was that the average watch time was over 26 minutes. Most in the online summit industry are happy with three to five minutes, and eight minutes is typically the high end. With more than 26 minutes average watch time, we know the call to wholeness and legacy living is resonating with the women of the world! The 3W Summit 2021 is already scheduled for March 5-7, 2021.

This is for all women! God is on the move! Won’t you join the wholeness revolution?

All the content from the 3W Summit, including the popular live feeds, is still available for purchase. Purchases will help Dr. Barbara Lowe and husband, Pastor Tim Sauvé, cover the costs of the 3W Summit. To purchase for only $74, click here. {eoa}

Dr. Barbara Lowe is a licensed psychologist, founder and owner of Greenleaf Psychological Services, Somatic Experience practitioner, EMDR practitioner, Board Certified Life Coach, educator, lay minister and author. A gifted international speaker, she leaves her audiences with the feeling that they have been seen, that their pain has been witnessed and that their hope for a better life has been renewed. She led the women’s panel at the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference 2019 and she also chaired the AACC World Committee for Preventing Sexual Abuse, Harassment and Abuses of Power. She and her husband, Pastor Tim Sauvé, are founders of the World Women’s Wholeness Summits (, and just hosted a free, three-day (March 6-8, 2020) international online conference dedicated to unity with diversity, legacy and women’s wholeness from a mental health- and faith-integrated platform.

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