Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Why You Shouldn’t Wear Paint-On Leggings

If I could talk to the women just for a moment, as sisters ...

Women are being crushed under the weight of a deteriorating culture. And what we need, counter to one more woman displaying her body in a broken world, is women who will weep over their sisters, who will get down on their faces before God and contend for deliverance, who will embrace a bleeding woman’s heart and tell her that her worth reaches far beyond a fickle world’s esteem—because sometimes we just need to hear it spoken over us.

What we need is men who are grown-up in God, matured in the Holy Spirit, able to control every part of their bodies—even their eyes—in dignity and honor. What a woman wears does not force the way a man responds. He always has a choice of where to put his eyes. And what we need is men who will be serious and relentless in guarding their eye gate, who will not drink in the drunkenness of the world, who will value purity more than they value their hormones, who will declare in word and in action the dignity and worth and sacredness of the stunning creation God pulled from his side.

Let He who is beauty, who creates beauty, define it.

The most beautiful One has stamped us with His image.

Beauty isn’t a world’s feigned idea. Beauty is a heart that is the Lord’s.

Beauty is who He is making us on the inside.

Beauty is beneath the surface, too deep for culture, or even time, to manipulate—so that when media casts changing opinions, or when we’re pregnant and swollen and 50 pounds heavier, or when our hair starts graying and wrinkles start invading … beauty can still shine as bright as it ever did.

Because beauty is God-made and God-infused in a heart that beholds Him and refuses to look away.

Kinsey Thurlow is a minister at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She is an advocate for the fatherless and her husband, Jon is a worship leader and minister at IHOP-KC.  

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