Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Why You Shouldn’t Close Your Eyes to the Demonic

Is it wrong to consider the demonic? Shouldn’t believers focus on the positive aspects of our faith rather than the darker elements?

Some believers, says international speaker and minister Jennifer Eivaz on the Take 10 With Jenn podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, “tell you that you should not see demons, you should not consider that side of things—that you’re being negative. You need to see what God is doing … and if for some reason you see something demonic, that’s wrong.

“Well, that’s not biblical,” Eivaz says. “I agree that sometimes people get lopsided. They focus on the dark side too much. But at the same time, we read in Ephesians Chapter 6 that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but we wrestle against powers, principalities, rulers of darkness, as well as hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.

“And so you are going to deal with the demonic,” Eivaz says. “You are going to have wrestling matches with the demonic as you are in your assignment, your kingdom assignment and advancing His kingdom … so we don’t shut our eyes to things because they’re not our preference. We actually let God balance that out, and we go ahead and just deal with what’s in front of us, knowing we always have the victory.”

The gift of discernment, Eivaz says, is what believers need. This gift “will reveal to you the spirit of the matter. It will reveal to you if something’s demonic, if it’s from God or if it’s of human origin so you can be in the know of what’s motivating pretty much anything.”

For more about the gift of discernment and how it can help you in your walk of faith, listen to this podcast.

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