Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why You Should Stop Slandering the Church

And this is coming from a former atheist.

Allow me to preface this by empathizing with those who have been hurt by, disappointed in or even rejected from the church. I was an agnostic/atheist for 26 years of my life. Even after I got saved, I went nearly a year without going to a Sunday church service (granted, I was also in seminary and participating in many church activities). I wrote a book called Ekklesia Rising: The Organization Formerly Known as Church. I am a reformer by nature. I have many frustrations with the church. I get it. But…

Without further ado, here are five reasons you shouldn’t abandon the church and definitely shouldn’t speak ill of her.

1) You aren’t perfect and Jesus didn’t forsake you

Remember that you are a follower of Christ, and that means that you have been forgiven. To whom much is forgiven, much forgiveness is required. Just because you make mistakes doesn’t mean that Jesus forsook you. So why should you forsake the Church because it has made mistakes?

2) The church is Jesus’ Bride. How would you feel if someone spoke about your spouse the way you speak about His?

Enough said.

3) You still need what she (the church) has

Sure, the church is flawed. Sure, the church isn’t all that it could be. However, the same goes for you and for me. We need one another, despite our problems. I have seen my friends who have made the decision to leave the Church. The fruit of this decision is generally increased bitterness, isolation, independence and purposelessness. This brings me to the next point.

4) The world ain’t any better.

It’s worse. Yes, you can find many things that the world does better than the church, but the world doesn’t have God. So whatever else may be the case, it is missing the cornerstone (Eph. 2:20). It’s missing the beginning of wisdom (1 Cor. 8:6). It’s missing your Father (1 Cor. 8:6), your provider (Gen. 22:14) and your protector (Ps. 91). It’s missing your greatest friend (John 15:15) and much more.

5) God has plans for you to bless the church with your gifts. God can’t use your gifts in the church if you refuse to play your part in it.

God has given you gifts that are to be used to bring Him glory. These gifts are designed to operate as part of His Body. Some of those gifts may even include the ability to help bring the church to a higher level. While I certainly don’t recommend just coming in with guns blazing, God may have helped you see some thing(s) about the Church that could really help His people. If you remove yourself, then you will not be positioned to make a difference.

Moral of the story: the church needs you, and you need the church. Come on home.

Chris Townsend spent the first 26 years of his life as an atheist. He now leverages that background to help reach the lost and disciple the found. He has studied supply chain management & business information systems at Texas Christian University, theology at Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI), church history at Liberty University and apologetics at Biola University. Chris is the president of Redeemed Royalty Ministries, a professor at CFNI and an itinerant apologist for Chris has written several books including Prove It: The Art & Science of Understanding & Articulating Why You Believe What You Believe and Ekklesia Rising: The Organization Formerly Known as Church. Connect with Chris at

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