Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why You Should Pay Attention to Kingdom Protocols

‘Handle With Care’

I personally find it very disheartening when I see those in the body criticize, judge and mock openly on the Internet or in print. The Bible gives the protocol for dealing with all situations that may arise. When there are concerns, we should first go in private, then with others, and the last resort is in public, and in that case it is done with dignity and integrity—never to mock or put shame on anyone, but to always handle God’s servants in an honoring way.

If it is of a prophetic concern or related to accuracy, I believe it grieves the heart of God when we publicly shame the sons and daughters that He loves, who are sincerely trying to be obedient to Him. As we publicly criticize and attack each other, the world looks on and mocks our hypocrisy and lack of love.

If we were to encourage and build up one another publicly, and correct in love and honor privately, so much confusion, pain, offense and shame in the body of Christ would be eliminated. I have found when we speak the truth in love, we will have a far more receptive audience and we will build long-lasting relationships!

I have learned the hard way that it is better to wait and take time to think things through prayerfully and ask for counsel before I go rushing in with correction or with my opinions. We so easily forget that Jesus hung on a cross for the very people we are so angry and offended with, that He loves them passionately with everlasting love, and yet we can handle them so carelessly.

When God first released me in the area of counseling, I had a very vivid dream. I was walking on a narrow path up a very high hill. At the top of the hill was a great mansion, like a castle. I was dressed like a servant, on my way to work in the mansion of a great king. The king took me to a very special room that contained his most priceless treasures! He handed me a cloth and instructed me to clean these valuables and then left. As I turned to begin my work, I saw a large sign on the wall that read “HANDLE WITH CARE.” I knew the dream was a warning from God to handle His children, the treasures of His heart, with great care! {eoa}

Reprinted from The Elijah List. Faith Marie Baczko is the Pastor of Yahweh’s House Fellowship and the President of Headstone Ministries International and Schools of The Last Wine. She brings significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body for this momentous time of history. Her teachings are rich with revelatory insight released to undergird the work of preparation for the saints to be fashioned into a holy sanctuary for the coming of the Lord. She is a prophetic preacher, encourager, author and international speaker, ministering the Word of the Lord to the nations. She has held many conferences and seminars in South America and the Caribbean. Reach out to Faith by email.

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