Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why You Need a Fresh Encounter With God

hand reaching up

In 1987, I personally had a 21-day visitation in which I met with the Lord each day from 3 in the afternoon until 7 in the morning. Through intense times of intercession, God revealed to me His heart for the nations.

He explained many mysteries—how to move with the Holy Spirit, the different kinds of fires and anointings, how to open up the heavens. He taught me that what you touch in heaven, you can bring down to earth!

These visitations transformed my ministry from one of just praying for individuals to one with a more corporate anointing, in which pools of glory and radical encounters with Jesus pervade my meetings.

Changing Your DNA

For lives and cities and nations to be changed, personal, supernatural visitations from God are essential. These are not radical joyrides in the Spirit; they are DNA-altering experiences that transform us, giving us the faith and confidence to believe for and do the impossible.

Comb through the Scriptures and try to find one hero of faith whose life was not interrupted by the supernatural. You can’t! Nor can you find one in the history of church revivals.

Why not contend for your own personal visitation? Here is the key: As much as you want to meet with God, He passionately desires to encounter you even more.

Your life and your world can begin to change, starting today. All it takes is one radical encounter with God.

Read a companion devotional.

The late Jill Austin founded Master Potter Ministries and traveled internationally as a conference speaker and prophetic voice.

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