Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why You Have More Spiritual Authority Than You Realize

woman point up

“We say no in Jesus’ name. We say the paperwork for this building will not go through, and that the bank will not approve the loan. The door is shut to you right now.

“Father, we pray for all those involved in this church. We agree that deception will be broken off of minds and hearts, and that salvation will spring forth into their lives. We thank You ahead of time for their salvation. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!”

We poured anointing oil around the sign and claimed the land for the kingdom of God. We made this declaration five years ago. That Mormon church has not been built, and the sign has been removed. This is a demonstration of legislative kingdom authority, in the form of a united cry, arising from followers of Jesus Christ and refusing illegal possession or seizure of land in our measure of rule.

The world around us is waiting to be restored. There are lost souls searching for answers, land that needs to be cleansed, and laws that need to be changed. It is time to get in there with God and become women of action.

Allow Him to use you to effect change in your territory. When confronted with unrighteousness, let your declaration resound into the spirit realm: “Not in my city, not in my family, not in my territory, not on my watch!”

Read a companion devotional.

Rebecca Greenwood is a published author and the founder and president of Christian Harvest International.

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