Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why You Have More Spiritual Authority Than You Realize

woman point up

Responsibility of Relationship 

As a young mother, I taught piano lessons in our home. Understanding this was a territory entrusted to me by God, I prayed that He would bring me students who needed a revelation of the love of Jesus.

I received a phone call from Susie, a 16-year-old girl, originally from Thailand. The Lord told me she had a powerful call on her life. I was to give her lessons and intercede for her salvation.

Before each lesson, I spent time in focused intercession for Susie’s salvation. She was placed in my measure of rule, and it was my responsibility to see her brought into the kingdom of God.

I did not preach or force my beliefs on her. I reached out in love and built a relationship based on trust. One afternoon in the middle of a piece of music, Susie suddenly stopped. “Miss Becca, can I ask you a question?” she said.

“Of course,” I replied.

“You are a Christian, right?”

“Yes, I am. Why do you ask?”

She said, “I have Christian friends in my high school who talk to me about Jesus. I am curious to know Him, but my family worships Buddha. I know he is a false and powerless god. I do not want a religion focused on the worship of a false god. I must know that Jesus is real before I commit to follow Him.”

“Susie,” I said, “Jesus is the Savior of the world. He wants to reveal Himself to you. Do you have a need in your life? We can pray and ask Jesus to help you. He will answer our prayer, and you will know He is the one true God.”

She replied, “I do have a need. I lost my glasses two weeks ago. My parents were mad at me because of the expense to replace them. Yesterday, I lost my new pair of glasses! I am afraid to tell my parents. Can we pray that I find my new pair before my parents realize I lost them?”

“Absolutely,” I responded.

We prayed asking the Lord to help Susie find her glasses.

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