Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why Prepare for Halloween

You can either pretend that the holiday doesn't exist even though millions of kids are looking forward to it. Or you can use this as an opportunity for outreach.

We don’t celebrate Halloween.

My husband and I believe the Bible calls us to reject those things that are associated with witchcraft. And I take that to mean both loosely and closely associated, because why would I want to entertain myself with anything that even hints at the darkness Jesus came to set us free from?

Now, we can have one of two responses when we choose to reject Halloween.

1. We can pretend it doesn’t exist

2. We can use it as an opportunity.

The first response is how many Christians respond. And yet here is Halloween. It does exist, whether we want it to or not. Pretending it doesn’t exist won’t make it go away.

But it will make many children go away from our homes with no candy … and no opportunity to know the truth.

What a golden opportunity sadly lost!

What we as God’s ambassadors should do is see Halloween as an opportunity, not as a distasteful event to be shunned. In my posts “Should Christians Celebrate Halloween” and “How to Make Halloween All About Jesus” I share ways you can do that.

Today I want to give you and your children a fun activity to do together to prepare for making Halloween all about Jesus!

Prepare for Halloween {by printing this free gospel tract}

I recently wrote this simple tract called “A Simple Gospel.”

A tract is not a replacement for opening our mouths and sharing the gospel, it is simply a key to unlock and open the door to share. I wrote this tract in simple, non-churchy terms so that the simplest of minds can understand the simplicity of the gospel.

This is a free printable and you are welcome to print as many copies of it as you wish!

Materials needed:

* As many copies of the tract you think you’ll need Halloween night

* Candy or non-edible items if you’re participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project

* Tape and/or gift wrapping ribbon

Spread all your materials out on the table and have your children help you attach the Halloween candy or item to the back of each tract. While doing this activity, you have an opportunity to share with them that while you may not celebrate Halloween as a family, there are those who do and many of those people are still lost. God doesn’t call us to isolate ourselves, but to boldly enter the darkness and shine His light. You can even illustrate this by taking your children in a dark room and shining a flashlight, so they can see how light dispels darkness.

Share with them that if we don’t shine our light in the darkness, the dark will remain dark, and those in the dark remain hopeless without the love of Jesus!

Give your children a new reason to look forward to Halloween!

Now, when kids come to your door, open it wide, smile big, show the love of Jesus and then give them the opportunity to receive the gift of life on this day meant to celebrate death!

Disclaimer: I know there are many believers who choose to celebrate Halloween. This post isn’t meant to condemn at all. I realize that we all have varied convictions about this holiday and each person is free to do that which falls within the dictates of his conscience. If you are a believer and choose to celebrate Halloween, I pray you will do so as a way to help spread the love of Jesus!

Rosilind Jukic, a Pacific Northwest native, is a missionary living in Croatia and married to her Bosnian hero. Together they live with their two active boys where she enjoys fruity candles, good coffee and a hot cup of herbal tea on a blustery fall evening. Her passion for writing led her to author her best-selling book The Missional Handbook. At A Little R & R she encourages women to find contentment in what God created them to be. You can also find her at Missional Call where she shares her passion for local and global missions. She can also be found at on a regular basis. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google +.

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