Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why Porn Recovery Isn’t Just for Men

As issues of sexuality are addressed within the news headlines daily, the church can no longer afford to be silent. Sadly, many are aware of the moral decline among humanity, and they choose to look away.

Pornography, extra-marital affairs and infidelity are now being considered acceptable and are even encouraged by the world. If the church speaks up against these issues, believers are being labeled as hypocrites. But we cannot afford to continue to have a passive response!

The Startling Truth of Passivity

Dr. Ted Roberts is a former Marine fighter pilot, pastor and author who has helped thousands of people find freedom from pornography through his ministry, Pure Desire. As. Dr. Ted Roberts shares in the Conquer Series,

“There’s no way we can have revival in the church’s present condition. God would have to repent to give us revival. He’s not going to do that. He’s gonna ask the church to deal with this, or we will become irrelevant.”

As Facts and Trends reported in 2018, between 6,000 and 10,000 churches throughout the United States close their doors annually. This statistic shows two things:

On average, a minimum of 100 churches close their doors weekly.

Sadly, the church is becoming irrelevant in a time when the world needs the church the most.

Revitalizing the Church

One of the best ways to grow a church is to become relevant. That doesn’t mean adapting the truth of the gospel; it means returning to it.

Men and women need to know that their secret struggles are not the end-all. As individuals learn to view the church as a hospital instead of an experience, they will feel safe to seek out healing for their mind, body, soul and spirit.

Think of a patient who requires heart surgery. The surgery is the main, life-saving event. But the rehabilitation process afterwards is just as crucial to complete healing.

Coming to Christ is the surgery; it’s where we find forgiveness. But entering into a process of growing in the Lord is sanctification. This ongoing journey helps us to experience God’s love while allowing our hearts and minds to be transformed. It’s the healing process that sets one free from the continuous taunting of a shattered past.

A huge problem in the church today is in regards to pornography and sexual addiction. Yet most pastors refuse to approach the subject. Studies through the years have found some very alarming statistics in regards to both men and women.

By the Numbers: Men

The Barna Group conducted surveys in both 2014 and 2016. Here is what they found:

  • 63% of 18-30-year-olds view pornography several times per week.
  • 77% of 31-49-year-olds have looked at porn while at work in the past three months.
  • 35% had an extramarital affair.

By the Numbers: Women

The same survey mentioned above shared that this is not just a man’s problem anymore.

  • 76% of women aged 18-30 admitted to watching porn at least once per month.
  • 21% of women in that same age range view pornography several times per week.
  • 25% of married women watch porn at least once per month.
  • In 2003, 34% of the women signed up to receive the Today’s Christian Woman online newsletter admitted that they purposefully seek out internet pornography.
  • Covenant Eyes and the Barna Group reported that only 13% of self-identified Christian women say they never watch porn.

What Can Be Done?

In their report, The Porn Phenomenon, the Barna Group reports that only 7% of churches have a program in place to help those struggling with pornography.

Fortunately, one small-group study has taken the guesswork out of the best approach to tackle these tough topics.

Though created initially for men, the Conquer Series has become a leading study for both men and women. Jam-packed with biblical principles, practical tools, scientific evidence and testimonials, individuals will learn that they can become a conqueror through Christ.

Jeff Bush is a father who not only used the Conquer Series for his sons but also his daughters:

“I also have two daughters, both in their early 20s. I decided to give this series to my oldest daughter to watch with the hopes that she would want to have her future husband watch these with her someday. She was so impacted by the materials that she not only agreed to watch them with her future husband but also asked if she could loan the DVDs to her best friend to watch.”

As you watch each DVD, you’ll learn the science behind the brain and why “trying harder” does not work. You’ll work through exercises that will get to the root of your struggle instead of solely focusing on the symptom. And most importantly, you’ll rediscover your God-given identity.

It’s important to recognize that relationships are crumbling by the thousands as a result of rampant and undealt-with sexual sin. Make a choice to do something about it.

Learn more about the Conquer Series at

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