Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why (and How) the Enemy Tries So Hard to Stop You

woman in handcuffs

Last night as I was working on a blog post, I heard whooping and hollering from my son Alec.

I assumed his favorite basketball team had won the tournament, but apparently there was something even more exciting in play. He burst into my room waving a letter and said, “Look, Mom—there’s an active warrant out for my arrest!”

He proudly pointed out the red letters that read: “Please be advised there is an active warrant issued for your arrest!”

Before you become too alarmed, please know the warrant was for a bench fee on a missed court date from a motorcycle accident. Even so, in less than five minutes, everyone had been shown the letter, and it was framed for posterity.

I asked my son, “Alec, why are you so excited that there’s a warrant out for your arrest?”

He answered, “It’s awesome! I feel dangerous. How many people can say this?”

Come to think of it, a lot—and thus my inspiration.

Whether you realize it or not, there’s an active warrant out for your arrest as well. The enemy not only wants you arrested, he wants you imprisoned. According to Webster’s Dictionary, arrest is defined as “to stop, slow, or make inactive; seize; capture; to take or keep in custody by authority of the law; to catch suddenly or engagingly.”

The enemy wants to keep your movements in check!

My son was excited rather than nervous about getting the letter, because he knew the fine had already been paid.

What is on your life that the enemy wants to arrest? Keep moving forward and growing in it!

Do you feel arrested and held captive to a court of condemnation? Well, don’t! Just like my son, your fine has already been paid, so don’t allow the enemy to deter you another moment.

“Having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” (Col. 2:14, NIV).

Don’t stop. Keep moving. Escape prison, and break free. You are more dangerous than you know. Get excited, because if this wasn’t true, the enemy wouldn’t being trying to arrest you.

Lisa Bevere is the best-selling author of Fight Like a Girl, Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry, Out of Control and Loving It! and Be Angry and Don’t Blow It! In addition to speaking at national and international conferences, she is a frequent guest on Christian television and radio shows. She and her husband, best-selling author John Bevere, make their home in Colorado.

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