Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When You Think God is Wrong

sad woman

At long last, Martha understood. God’s purpose was made clear. God’s power and glory and love were revealed, and her grief-stricken plea wrenched from their broken hearts was abundantly answered. Jesus was all they needed! Jesus was enough!

And if He could raise Lazarus from the dead after he was in the tomb for four days, is there anything He cannot do for you or me? What miracle do you think is beyond His power to accomplish?

When you don’t understand why, just trust Him!

Don’t wallow in your “whys.” Don’t throw a pity party or remain in your misery. Understand that you may not understand this side of heaven.

Respect God’s silences. Claim through your own experience … the blessing that follows brokenness, the life that follows death and the glory that follows suffering!

Trust God to sort it all out in the end. He can break the bonds of your suffering—now! Trust Him! He will bring you through.

Read a companion devotional.

Anne Graham Lotz is the founder of AnGeL Ministries. She is also the author of several books.

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