Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

When You Feel Rejected, This Spirit-Led Plan Smashes Satan’s Sinister Lies

There was a post going around on Facebook that stated, “Don’t believe everything you think.” Its truth crashed head-on into my thoughts of rejection.

Throughout most of my life, I’ve felt as though others rejected me. Rejection is one of those feelings that’s so easy to believe, like fear. We can spend our entire existence thinking people are talking about us, believing no one values us, even feeling sure people don’t want us around.

I can feel excluded when I see my friends on Facebook sharing pictures of themselves having a great time together, wondering why they didn’t invite me. When people don’t attend my Bible study classes, I assume it is because of me. When people won’t buy my book, it looks, feels and smells like rejection.

I am not ignoring the fact people have distanced or removed themselves from my life. It hurt when a boyfriend broke up with me because I wasn’t right for him, when friends thought I was a “Jesus freak” or a woman didn’t want to be friends any longer.

Even though people have rejected me doesn’t mean I am rejected.

Rejection can become a stronghold in our Christian walk. It is the lie that keeps us captive to Satan, who tells us we are not worthy, wanted or appreciated.

One night in a dream, I saw myself with different people, in a church, at a restaurant and in a friend’s home. I saw myself looking down at the ground not making eye contact with anyone, feeling alone and despised. Everywhere I went, people treated me the way I saw myself. I woke up knowing I needed to stop believing the lie that no one wanted me around. If I kept acting rejected, not only did I believe it, but soon everyone else would as well.

Victory came when I repented for believing the lie that I am rejected. I asked God to replace that lie with His truth.

Psalm 94:14 says, “For the Lord will not forsake His people; neither will He abandon His inheritance.”

We are His inheritance.

God has not rejected us—quite the opposite, in fact. He faced the ultimate rejection by His death so we can live as adopted sons and daughters.

We can turn the tables on Satan by rejecting him and his lies and forgiving those who rejected us. Forgiveness is a weapon for victory. It removes the power of the evil one and frees us from the captivity of unforgiveness. It will allow healing.

One of the greatest gifts we have is being able to spend time with the Lord. He strengthens us through our relationship with Him. He affirms us and shows us love and patience while healing the hurts of our hearts.

Another source of truth for victorious living is God’s Word. Ephesians 1:4 tells us He chose us before He created the world, and Ephesians 2:4 tells us God loves us with a great love.

I love Zephaniah 3:17. Let your heart hear God’s love: “The Lord your God is in your midst, a Mighty One, who will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will renew you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

Scripture memorization means we always have access to the truth even when we don’t have our Bibles with us. Satan cannot steal what is in our hearts. We can repeat verses when the temptation to believe a lie assails us.

Prayer is a mighty weapon for continuous victory over rejection. Be honest with the Lord. We can tell Him the emotions of our hearts and our desire to believe all He says. He wants us to tell Him about our hurts and disappointments. We can approach His throne confidently and we will receive mercy and find grace when we need it (Heb. 4:16). Continuous conversations with our Father give us the hope and power to stand even when we feel rejected.

How have you conquered the feelings of rejection? {eoa}

Stephanie Pavlantos is passionate about getting people into God’s Word. She has taught Bible studies for 15 years and has spoken at ladies’ retreats. She wants to get people into the Word where they can discover God’s love for them, their identity in Christ and find healing for the wounds of this life while forgiving those who caused their pain. Visit her blog at

This article originally appeared at

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